A Conversation for The Mother of All Gooses

The Contrary Garden

Post 181

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

There's a fountain right over there, it's the one Purr fell in when he transported from the Jail. *points to multi-coloured architectural frivolity in corner*

The Contrary Garden

Post 182

Humpty Dumpty (and Chicken Little, his chicken)

Tea would be nice. Just keep any boiling water well away from me. I have a phobia.

The Contrary Garden

Post 183

Purr in Boots

smiley - cat
[Purr] smiley - dohsmiley - erm Well, perrhaps this wouldn't be the rright flavorr of waterr for everryone...

**He takes the pail over to a patch of petunias and begins to dribble the water over them.**

smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

{Somewhere distant, in a dark and damp underground lair, standing near to hand by an Altar of Hate, a large bat-like creature, with tattered wings and in serious need of corrective orthodontics, cries out in dejected misery.}

[smiley - bat] Aarrrrgh! Not aga-a-a-ai-ai-nnnnn...!?

smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

**Having emptied the bucket, Purr walks to the fountain and fills it with fresh, scintillating water. He hands it to smiley - moon Lil.**

[Purr] Care to try thiss batch insstead?
smiley - cat

The Contrary Garden

Post 184


*dips the kettle in the water and sets in the gas ring*

smiley - tea won't be long now smiley - smiley

The Contrary Garden

Post 185

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I suppose we're breaking the rules, mingling cast and audience like this... but the lobby seems so far off, somehow.

The Contrary Garden

Post 186

Witty Moniker

Why don't we call it intermission?

The Contrary Garden

Post 187


Or a masterclass with tea.

The Contrary Garden

Post 188

Mary and her full-grown <sheep>

*cracks an eye open to see what the Stranger is waiting for.*

smiley - sheep <--- chewing on a bluebell

The Contrary Garden

Post 189

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - doh
Hey, I'll be back in a sec. We probably need some 'tea service' items...
smiley - biggrin
(continued in The Lobby)

The Contrary Garden

Post 190

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - star
(B4 winks back into existence on the path neat the stairs to HoHo Spire. He's carrying a wonderfully crafted sterling silver tray, carefully arranged with beautifully decorated china cups and suacers. There are a number of other containers for cream, sugar, lemon wedges, and a marvelous variety of teas--both loose leaf and in packets. There are enough cups and utensils for about thirty-odd people [or about that many odd Cast members]. He finds a convenient flat topped stump and sets everything gingerly upon it.)

[B4] Is the kettle on the boil yet?
smiley - biggrin

The Contrary Garden

Post 191

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Did someone mention tea? smiley - biggrin

The Contrary Garden

Post 192

The Ghost of Zello (now with a crash helmet and goggles)

smiley - ghost

OOOOooooOOOOooo [Hey, Reb. They've gone into that cave]

OoooOOooOOOOO [I'll go see what they're doing]

*leaves and returns a few minutes later*

oooOOOOoooOOOO [They've stopped for tea!]

oooOOOOOOOOOO [Just like that durned posse used to do]

OOOOoooooooooOOOo [Say, you don't suppose...]

The Contrary Garden

Post 193


*produces a tin of shortbread petticoat tails*

Would anyone like some shortbread?

The Contrary Garden

Post 194

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - drool
[B4] Hey, since we're all sharing, how about some Girl Scout cookies? I've got some of those wonderful chocolate-covered Thin Mints!

(B4 reaches into his satchel and pulls out a cellophane wrapper that's partially open and looks the worse for wear since his arrival at the Panto. He looks at the remnants of the cookies in dismay and fidgets through the crumbs. He pours the contents onto a napkin, then sifts off the powdered remains. Tenderly, he holds the survivors forward in the napkin.)

[B4] smiley - erm Um...okay. So there are three--count 'em: THREE--Thin Mint cookies left intact. Anyone? More than happy to share. I'll just (looks over his shoulder) eat the crumbs.
smiley - biggrin

The Contrary Garden

Post 195

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*notices that her breath is suddenly making a cold vapor*

Hey, we're haunted again.

I'll pass on the cookies, B4. I have some mbougatses in my backpack. Matina never lets me leave the salon without them.

*puts out slices of mbougatses*

The Contrary Garden

Post 196

Garius Lupus

*A large green parrot swoops over the mbougatse slices, then lands on a nearby rock with a slice in his mouth.*

Pierrot: Aaaaaaawwwwwwkkk! Thought I smelled those!

The Contrary Garden

Post 197

Thistle Howl - a frighteningly cute Critter of the Night

*pops into the Garden, looking much better than when she left. There are still traces of Calamine lotion behind her ears.*

Helloooo? Where is everybody? Oh, man, even the audience is gone!

*follow her nose to the cave entrance, peers inside.*

Guys? You up there? Darn it, I'm going to have to hurry to catch up. I hope they stopped for tea.

*hurries up the stairs.*

The Contrary Garden

Post 198


*sips her smiley - tea happily*

The cup that cheers, but not quite as much as a glass of smiley - bubblysmiley - winkeye

The Contrary Garden

Post 199

Mysterious Stranger

*his lips parting more than necessary for a mere kiss, thus revealing something sharp, white and glistening*

*seems to be aiming further down than Mary's lips, further down than her chin - in fact, he seems to be aiming for her..*

The Contrary Garden

Post 200

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - yikes
smiley - erm
Look out below! ...Mary!
smiley - groan
look out mary look out something sinister is about to happen to you
smiley - cross
smiley - wah

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