A Conversation for Beach House

The second dojo

Post 261

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*these are swiftly replaced by Centauri style genetalia, which involves the posessetion of 6 1 meter long peni and internal sperm production facilities. HDS also activates a body shield, Imperial style (the slow blade shall not penetrate this shield)*

me! Bwah-hah-hah-hah! smiley - evilgrin

The second dojo

Post 262

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*YS wanders in, sees way more than she wanted to, and wanders out again*

The second dojo

Post 263


*Appears. All horrible items that have just been described dissapear in a very painful manner.*

/SHAME ON YOU!/ This isn't your house, you know. Treat it with some respect, or you'll be out on your ear.

*Plants a fist through one of the support pillars to make his point.*

The second dojo

Post 264

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*peeks back in to see Mysty's heroic action*

Jade, haven't you kicked everyone's butt in here yet?smiley - laugh

The second dojo

Post 265

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS's reapear in a quite an enjoyable way, then HDS plants Myst through a support pillar to make /his/ point*

The second dojo

Post 266


*Through a reversal of the logical process, HDS is suddenly contained within said pillar.*

No. No perversions within this house.

The second dojo

Post 267

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*and by re-reversed logic, Myst is contained within the pillar next to HDS*

Tis not your house to decide

The second dojo

Post 268


*Is actually leaning against the pillar.*

I bid thee to take a look at the house rules. Within this house, such topics are not to be discussed.

The second dojo

Post 269


*Starts to wake up from a nice nap in the corner of the dojo*
*finishes waking up from a nice nap in the corner of the dojo*

Woa did I miss any good fights?

The second dojo

Post 270

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*sends a couple bolts of lightning HDS's way*

That was for the subject matter.

*kicks HDS in his reattached member*

That was for trying to put Mysty in a pillar.

Now really, HDS, I thought so much more of you. Do act a gentleman?

The second dojo

Post 271

Aries (ACE + Badger)

*leans against aforementioned pillar and falls asleep*

The second dojo

Post 272


*Leans heavily on HDS's concious.*

The second dojo

Post 273

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

HOw did it come to this? WHere was teh horn that was blown? The days have fallen, like rain on the mountain.

Do not tempt our anger HDS, or I will throw you down as my enemy and smote your ruin upon the mountainside.

The second dojo

Post 274


It'd be smite, not smote...

The second dojo

Post 275

Aries (ACE + Badger)

*Isn't smote past tense?*

*continues snoring loudly*

The second dojo

Post 276

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Technically the word smote is past tense, but I was quoting Gandalf the White.

The second dojo

Post 277

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*suddenly, the pillar explodes and HDS smashes Hjik with the Mace of Melkor*

The second dojo

Post 278

Aries (ACE + Badger)

*Ah right, just asking*

*continues snoring*

The second dojo

Post 279

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt


The second dojo

Post 280

Aries (ACE + Badger)

*wakes up with the sound of the pillar exploding and stares around in a half-awake kind of way*

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