A Conversation for Beach House

The Dojo

Post 241

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*falls over onto the floor shaking with laughter, tears rolling down her cheeks, she begins beating on the floor*

Very nice... But know this: once you've read gaiman you can't turn back. The man is a genius. I only hope that some day I can be half the writer that he is.

The Dojo

Post 242

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

I too have aspirations to be a writer. I even have a hundred year timeline set out for a book. I hope to be as skilled and well regaurded as J. Michael Straczynski, but such skill is difficult in cultivating. Especiall the attention to detail he spends in the stuff that goes on in the backround of the main story which turns into main story later on, and the sun stories that involve varouis aspects of human nature, including the redemption of Londo Mollari. Ah well, the memories

The Dojo

Post 243


Pardon me for intruding but I was wondering if I could practice my
Drunken fist in here? I saw the Dojo and remembered that I need to practice.

The Dojo

Post 244

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Just keep working hard, HdS. You'll do well. smiley - hug

*Jade blinks in surprise for a moment, then makes her right hand into a fist, punches it into her left (open) hand, and bows*

First I would like to know who you are, traveller. Most are welcome within my walls, but your arrival is, I must admit, most unexpected.

The Dojo

Post 245


*returns bow respectfully*
I hope I have not offended you, my name is Chronos. I was simply exploring and happened upon your fine Dojo. I hope you grant your aproval to my practising here and mabye even a small sparring match, though I am not too expericenced in fighting with others of such skill as yours.

The Dojo

Post 246

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*Jade gives him a smiley - cupcake and smiles*

You are of course quite welcome here. Please excuse me for my abrupness before, but I'm certain you understand. You never know what type of briggands you might find on h2g2, ne?

And yes, perhaps someday we shall duel. But know now that I have /rules/ for that sort of thing, and that they ought to be followed, or I have a tendancy to get a trifle unpleasant.

...Oh, and before I forget, you're welcome to use my stereo equpment if you are very /very/ careful about it.

The Dojo

Post 247


Thank you very much I was reading your duel in the second Dojo it is very exciting. I have also prevously read your rules and will abide by them. And music would go well with my forms thank you.

*Walks to the stereo and very very carefully turns it on then goes to an unoccupied part of the dojo and begins the staggering forms of
Zui Quan*

The Dojo

Post 248

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Leans on a nearby pillar, hoping he will be seeing a good fight.*

The Dojo

Post 249


i forgot to describe myself sorry
(The barefoot figure practising druken boxing in the background is wearing faded loose fitting blue jeans with a black leather belt on the belt is a gourd bottle with a cork in it, the figure is also wearing a tucked-in black tee-shirt, his face is normal and he is wearing small blue sunglasses, he has short brownish hair and is about six feet tall, his black leather jacket lay atop his bookbag pushed against the wall)

The Dojo

Post 250

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*nods* Very nice. It has been long since we've had a... well a firim* in the dojo...

*Jade walks very calmy over to HDS and sighs, places him in a headlock, and gives him a noogie.*

Why do you always have to hide in the dark like that...? I really don't understand you sometimes...

"firim" is elvish for "man," or "human." smiley - ok

The Dojo

Post 251

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Oh right, and here http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/A940097 is anything you could ever wish to know about my character, and before I forget, you are quite welcome to make yourself a room in my house, Chronos. Just go to toe Beach House main page and post up a new conversation. We would be honoured to have you. smiley - cheers

The Dojo

Post 252


Thank you very much, I just finished my room and it is perfect and i love it, check it out. oh by the way check out the duel HDS and i had on the castle battlements it was my first dual and i'm kinda proud of it.

The Dojo

Post 253

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

It is indeed a lovely room

The Dojo

Post 254


So there are no other firim here? I know theres a vampire, a divine shadow, and elves.

The Dojo

Post 255

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt


The Dojo

Post 256

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

You had better brush up on your Sindarin, HDS darling. "Firim" means
"human" (or humans).

The Dojo

Post 257

Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo

Well, we've never quite been able to classify me.

Any thoughts?

The Dojo

Post 258



The Dojo

Post 259

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Answer these question for me Euan, and I'll figure it out. (Just number as I have, and answer yes, no, or whatever is appropriate, kay? smiley - ok)

1) Are your ears pointy?

2) Do you have really great hair?

3) Are you really tall?

4) Are you extremely short?

5) Do you smoke?

6) Are you prone to whining?

7) Do you have a problem with extreme cold?

8) Are you of an average height?

9) Do you generally look very well-groomed?

10) Let's be frank here. What it is for you?
a) F*****g
b) A roll in the hay
c) only nessecerry for procreation
d) Slow sweet and seductive

11) Are you prone to wearig really big hats?

12) Do you like cheese?

13) Can you walk on top of snow without falling through it?

14) Are you really, /really/ E-vil?

15) Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Boardroom of Evil, and/or in contact with a member of the Boardroom of Evil?

16) D'you like rules?

17) Would you rather break them?

18) Are you a mischevious little b@****d?

19) Are you prone to taking tea in the afternoon?

20) If you miss tea, do you get reqlly really nervous?

21) Are you easily manipulated?

22) Do you believe that /everything/ should come in pints?

23) Do you like hard liquor?

24) Do you practice good manners?

25) Were you actually honest with your answers on this quiz?


The rest of you boys can play this game as well, if you feel the need. I'll score it and tell you what you are. smiley - cheers

The Dojo

Post 260


1) Are your ears pointy?
*Covers his ears* And so what if they are?

2) Do you have really great hair?
Usually. *Tosses his long silver hair for further emphasis*

3) Are you really tall?
Not abnormally. But, yeah.

4) Are you extremely short?

5) Do you smoke?

6) Are you prone to whining?

7) Do you have a problem with extreme cold?

8) Are you of an average height?

9) Do you generally look very well-groomed?

10) Let's be frank here. What it is for you?
a) F*****g
b) A roll in the hay
c) only nessecerry for procreation
d) Slow sweet and seductive
Pfft. Like I have any experiance...
C? Maybe D? D.

11) Are you prone to wearing really big hats?

12) Do you like cheese?
Possibly. Most likely yes.

13) Can you walk on top of snow without falling through it?
Whee! Yes.

14) Are you really, /really/ E-vil?
Not really.

15) Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Boardroom of Evil, and/or in contact with a member of the Boardroom of Evil?
*Smirk* Yes.

16) D'you like rules?
Like whats? Rules? What is... rules?

17) Would you rather break them?
If you're gonna break em', break em' hard.

18) Are you a mischevious little b@****d?
More often then not.

19) Are you prone to taking tea in the afternoon?
Slightly. Oh, fine, yes.

20) If you miss tea, do you get reqlly really nervous?

21) Are you easily manipulated?

22) Do you believe that /everything/ should come in pints?

23) Do you like hard liquor?
Only as a blunt instrument.

24) Do you practice good manners?

25) Were you actually honest with your answers on this quiz?

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