The h2g2 Post: 04.03.19

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 4th March 2019

March Fo(u)rth

What goes on in a dog's mind We look around us and wonder many things. Why are people less sensible than dogs and cats? Just who's running things these days, and do they know what they are doing? (Obviously not.) Will it ever stop snowing? Can the h2g2 Post top last week's amazing issue?

We have the answer to at least one of these questions. Yes: this week's issue is even more astoundingly wonderful than last week's. We've got photography, snark, quizzes, snark, humour, snark, and videos (with added snark). We even have writing advice on how to do snark.

Contributors have accepted challenges like you wouldn't believe. Well, maybe you would, but then we worry about what you do in your free time. Speaking of free time, we know you're busy, so we'll get right to a list of must-not-miss highlights for this week:
The Mysterious Cottage by Caimanraptorelk

  • You remember bobstafford's photo of a cottage reflected in water? Caimanraptorelk reveals the stunning story behind the photo. We are so glad to know these photographers and photoshop artists. They keep our brains going through these long winter months. Another kind of challenge response involves starfish. Read the synchronised poems.
  • Speaking of photo artists, we have some really high-toned Stuff from Cactuscafé. She says the green squiggle is 'significant'. We believe her. Want more art? View the latest installment of 'Desideria'. A treat.
  • Visually, our Contributors continue to impress. Globe-trotting Milla spots wonders around every corner, it seems, in sacred edifices and Mediterranean bazaars. Freewayriding has his sharp camera eye peeled for the unusual along the road. SashaQ's inner and outer eyes work in concert, even in the kitchen. You'll be glad you had a chance to see all these sights.
  • Open your eyes and ears wide for the video section. In our newsreel, Deek has captured a boat race. A musical interlude follows, as Christina Rossetti has been paired with suitable music. And for our thrilling main feature, the h2g2 Post pays tribute to Chocolate and Beetroot Cake, the taste sensation that won the war. This never-before-seen spy adventure is based on a true story. Sort of.
  • Do we have quizzes? In a word, yes.
  • Is March Create off to a good start? Absolutely. Minorvogonpoet has come up with a fun memory to answer bobstafford's challenge. I ramble on: if you read it, you'll find out why there's a frog in that office photo.
  • Yes, we have wildlife. Yes, we have cinema. Yes, there are more jokes than you can shake a stick at. Why you would want to shake a stick at a joke is beyond us, but chacun à son goût.
TJ as Obligatory Cat by Dmitri Gheorgheni
TJ obligingly hopped up on the desk as I was writing this to remind me that, horribile dictu, we had no cats in this week's issue! Situation rectified. He's also reminding you to read, leave comments, share this bounty generously on your social media of choice, and remember to send Stuff. This magazine won't write itself! What do you think it is, an Escher drawing?

Stay warm/cool/dry, wherever you are. Wear appropriate clothing. (And do wear some, 2legs.) Have a great week!

Create March 2019 by Freewayriding
March Create Challenge:
Workplace Follies

Dmitri Gheorgheni





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