Chocolate and Beetroot Cake - a Recipe
Created | Updated Feb 25, 2019
A US Researcher writes:
I needed a recipe like this because of my gardening endeavors. I wanted a reliable supply of greens for consumption during the Summer, but it seemed nice to also have an end product for the Winter. Beets have delicious greens, and so-so roots. The lightbulb went on in my head when I conceived of combining a supply of beets with a taste for chocolate cake. Magically, it worked! I usually find ways of making a cake sweet by using fruit instead of sugar. I always use wholewheat flour. The recipe might work okay with white flour instead.
Dry Ingredients
- 1/2 tsp1 cinnamon
- 3 or 4 tbsps2 of cocoa powder
- 3 or 4 tbsps of chocolate bits
- 1½ cups of wholewheat flour (or about 350ml)
- 3 tsps of nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts, etc)
- 2 tbsps of rolled oats
- 2 tsps of baking powder
- 3 tsps of powdered milk
- 1/2 cup of raisins
Wet Ingredients
Grind the nuts in a blender with the rolled oats. Add the cinnamon and the other dry ingredients and mix thoroughly in a bowl.
Put the water in a blender. Add the vanilla. Dice one of the apples, add to the blender, and purée it. Then dice the second apple, add, and purée. Then dice the beetroot(s), add, and purée.
Finally, pour the resulting liquid from the blender into the mixing bowl and mix thoroughly with the dry ingredients. Put the resulting batter into an oiled baking pan (4" x 8" or 10cm x 20cm), put the pan in the oven, and bake for an hour at 350°F (175°C).