A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Icy North Posted Dec 7, 2015
The usual method is to first get the people in on the promise of something free, then charge them when they're hooked.
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
broelan Posted Dec 7, 2015
Actually, that worked for the game I play on my phone. I *don't* play games (like, never. Not on a phone, not on a console, not on a computer... I rarely even play board games). Except I found this one... and I've been playing it non-stop for over two years now. And it's still a free game, but it is financially supported by a small percentage of players who have purchased bonus content. Something like that might help here, but that's a discussion for Robbie's after-the-holidays forum, I'm sure.
And paulh, I've missed you too
I'm actually really happy to see so many familiar screen names still here. Would be nice to see a few more unfamiliar ones, although to be fair I've only checked on a few old haunts.
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Baron Grim Posted Dec 7, 2015
I'd be interested in a freemium strategy, but not a subscription service.
But I think we've covered all this in previous organizational shakeups and considering the nature of these recent changes, I don't really see much point in such discussions.
But carry on, I'll continue to .
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Baron Grim Posted Dec 7, 2015
Also, link for definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freemium
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Icy North Posted Dec 7, 2015
I reckon there are two more pressing problems than the commercial model. How do we get the site working technically, and how do we increase the size of the active community to something which can get some momentum going again on the Edited Guide (and other products)?
But of the few people who remain here, I know we have a core that really wants this project to succeed - we just need to find the way to do it.
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Dec 7, 2015
after the beeb ripped the shreds out of hootoo, saying they were "IT'S" parts, hootoo has suffered "hiccups" since. How about "asking" the beeb to give us some bits back ? to help make hootoo more stable ?
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 7, 2015
Unfortunately it was the BBC security system they removed from it which ties it into all the rest of the BBC sites. They won't give us that.
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Dec 9, 2015
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Dec 9, 2015
It's been almost five years, and the BBC still seems to be there. If their funding was ever restored, would they come knocking on our door hoping to get us back?
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Dec 10, 2015
"Hullo, can I have my kidney back, please?"
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Dec 10, 2015
By all means! The guy we gave it to didn't want it after all.
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Dec 11, 2015
A query, if I may?
I am from well past the time of The Digital Village, maybe about mid-life of the BBC time. This site had infusions daily of new folks that had ideas and LIFF to them.
Later times of the 'Beeb' kinda squashed and crushed a lot of elders and newbies. Changing to new hands seemed to loosen the tight fist-grip of conversations - but then it was seen as heavier hands coming down.
Are ideas being pondered in "back-rooms" as to how to attract new folks? A lot of old, older and ancients are gone and unlikely to be talked into returning. So something new and captivating is needed.
I can't help, even if I could encourage social associates to look here, I am such tainted goods that any connection to me would immediately have them under "the eyes" ...
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Icy North Posted Dec 11, 2015
Hi Nick,
I'm running a couple of brainstorms on this subject on my Journal. You're welcome to join in (as is anyone).
I suspect we cannot rely on other folks to represent us any more.
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
SashaQ - happysad Posted Dec 11, 2015
The Beeb is still there, which is good, but it isn't what it was...
They dumped my favourite disability messageboard section in 2011, but had to bring a bit of it back some months later as a disability news section (with comments features on selected articles rather than full messageboard capability) to help meet their requirements in relation to Equality and Diversity...
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Dec 11, 2015
" to help meet their requirements in relation to Equality and Diversity..." [SashaQ]
You never know when something's going to come back and bite you*. It's called karma, or something like that.
*choose your favorite body part for the bite....
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... Posted Dec 12, 2015
Can I add my
I was away for ages (personal reasons - read my journal if you are interested) I came back and lurked for a while ....
When I did post to a conversation I got no response - I felt ignored. This happened a few times - but that's ok.
I have thick skin so I didn't worry - but a newbie would certainly not be drawn back.
The Aces would once have been a point of contact - does that still happen?
It seems to me that the site has lost some of its friendly inclusiveness.
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
SashaQ - happysad Posted Dec 12, 2015
That's really interesting, Feisor - I only remember that feeling of being ignored from when I first started posting on ye olde beeb when I was a newbie (although my very first post, I was so scared of someone *not* ignoring it, I had to not look for 2 weeks, but it was fine...) whereas now I'm more established, I don't feel ignored but rather just that I didn't say anything that anyone felt the need to respond to...
However, I do remember the amazement after I had rummaged round h2g2 looking at smileys to find someone from h2g2 had noticed me there and said hello! Your ACE message was really good, too, as I read the bit about Peer Review and the writing guidelines and was very happy to learn how I could join in
Therefore it is interesting that people may well feel that newbie sensation again in here if they haven't logged in for a while... The ACEs are still active, but I don't think they would have a way of easily knowing when someone had returned after a long absence so that they could help the returner navigate the changed landscape...
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Dec 12, 2015
I agree that it's demoralizing not to get responses. I don't know why some people stay and others leave, though, except that a lot of other sites [not to mention offsite things like real life] are also clamoring for our attention. And some of the other sites that ex-researchers might have gone to may be in trouble or even gone...
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Posted Jan 8, 2016
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Jan 8, 2016
It may also be a bit demoralizing to have your post hidden for over 3 hours. Is the Mod Team so small now?
Key: Complain about this post
2015-11-29 Announcement: the dissolution of Field Researchers Limited
- 41: Icy North (Dec 7, 2015)
- 42: broelan (Dec 7, 2015)
- 43: Baron Grim (Dec 7, 2015)
- 44: Baron Grim (Dec 7, 2015)
- 45: Icy North (Dec 7, 2015)
- 46: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Dec 7, 2015)
- 47: Gnomon - time to move on (Dec 7, 2015)
- 48: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Dec 9, 2015)
- 49: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Dec 9, 2015)
- 50: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Dec 10, 2015)
- 51: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Dec 10, 2015)
- 52: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Dec 11, 2015)
- 53: Icy North (Dec 11, 2015)
- 54: SashaQ - happysad (Dec 11, 2015)
- 55: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Dec 11, 2015)
- 56: Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... (Dec 12, 2015)
- 57: SashaQ - happysad (Dec 12, 2015)
- 58: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Dec 12, 2015)
- 59: Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired (Jan 8, 2016)
- 60: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Jan 8, 2016)
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