AGG/GAG - #41

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Blob designed by(tonsil revenge)/click on<br/>
Groucho's nose to visit the AGG/GAG/CAC homepage

Open your mind and say,'AWW'

Fiction smiley - zenWeird Science smiley - rocket
First/Personals smiley - aleSatire smiley - cheesecakeKitchen Syncronicities

The Agg/Gag Repository of GAMES smiley - biggrinH2G2 Fiction

smiley - disco
This week:


(we're the CAC in AggGagCac)

proudly presents the penultimate AggGag selection
of entries too good for the Edited Guide

smiley - dog

Here's a newcomer who has a way with words.
Dragonlady impressed us immediately with her personal real life tales
of farm life in rural Saskatchewan. When she offered us this baggy-dog story
we granted her life-time membership in our ranks to secure the publishing rights.
All hail, the Dragonlady ..and her poor dog Stinky.

Broken Dog by The Dragonlady

recommends this one, and hopes you enjoy it as much as she.
"It has been said that when faced with a certain dilemma God vanished
in a puff of logic. Now find out why the orgins of both God and the Universe
lie in a puff of illogic." - smiley - cat

God +/- Universe by J

Our own tonsil revenge
has been quietly absorbing the classic Brit academic style and now bursts forth in a most scholarly presentation that had me wetting my harris tweeds in a giggly-schoolgirl kinda way.
If you've ever suffered the dark ambiguities of a Brecht or a Brendan Bedammed, or
otherwise been involved with dense parochial theatre, you'll find much existential relief here.

Golgotha College Theatrical Review presents: WAITING FOR THE PLOT:
The Lost Plays of Sheridan Becket
by tonsil revenge

smiley - biggrin

smiley - hsif ONE LAST ISSUE smiley - fish

Next week:

Yes, we'll be back once more - just once more - with our Final Farewell collectors edition,
our swan song, our grand finale, our last waltz, our sayonara, our goodbye-cruel-world issue.

smiley - yikes Why? smiley - yikes
Because it'll be Issue #42 and everyone knows, 42 is the final solution to everything.
smiley - nahnah

If you have something to say on the matter feel free to speak your mind.

Your objections, pleas for mercy, and eleventh hour calls from the Governor
will be welcomed at:

The Great DISCUSSION on the DEMISE of AGG/GAG thread.

And so ( for seven more days ) we remain,

The AGG/GAG/CAC School of Thought:

smiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - bluefishsmiley - orangefish

The Dragonlady She's got a sharp pencil, and her neighbour's got a sharp knife.
Sir Bossel Believe it or not the wise guy in this lot.
Darth Zaphod With perfect pitch, she's earning her scouting badge.
Hobbes Was it just an apparition or did he really wave?
Spaceman Spiff The smile that launched a thousand spliffs.
Thirdgirl Living quietly on the farm, taking no calls.
Subcom.Deidzoeb Proud new homeowner with gardening plans.
Zaphod Circling the peripheral things of life.
Martin The crusty Archivist who preserves our posterity.
Catwoman Pssst, Buddy! Can ya spare a little catnip?
~jwf~ No longer responding to guilt stimuli.
tonsil revenge Just a-jiving and a-jumping like Jehosophat.


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