God +/- Universe
Created | Updated Jun 13, 2002
The idea is an inverted, reciprocal, nullifying, anti-material, less void than nothing, opposite universe, or something like that. Basically it is another universe. (Now before one will go off about there can be only one universe, hear me out and I'll explain that a little later, thank you.) It is the same to ours in all respects except it is completely opposite. Its cause for existence is to counteract the effect that our existence has caused. And that is simply mucking up the original idea which was Nothing. And if nothing comes from nothing, then how did we all bloody well get here?
The idea of creating something from nothing probably confused God a great deal, causing at least a couple of sleepless nights during those first few days. How was God supposed to trick himself into being God when he/she/it/whatever didn't exist in the first place? Secondly, how was God going to create the Universe when there was only nothing to work with? Thirdly, how could this all be sustained without anything becoming the wiser? Let's face it, how long would it take before something realized the underlying truth that the universe and all the thing bumming around in it ( i.e. life, hydrogen, the ether, I Love Lucy re-runs, etc.) where really nothing and God had just never been there. God would be forced to agree. Then life, the universe, and everything associated would have to stop and seem rather pointless.
This couldn't happen, considering that we are still here, unless there was something opposing our being here. A nullifying Yin to our yang is a bad metaphor that will do. It would be in perfect contrary synchronicity to the opposing universe. Both running through their fates completely happy and unaware that the only reason that they could be there in the first place is because somewhere, something is reducing them back to the primordial point of nothing, 0. And Visa-versa.
God saw this and called it "Good, that'll do."
Then called the opposing extreme realities, dualities. Tied and wrapped them together, sat on top and said that his/her/its/whatever's throne was THE UNIVERSE.
God in a brilliant whim also decided it would be a good idea to cram an abysmal void between the dualities that nothing could cross. So if any part and counterpart decided to sit sown, have dinner and discuss the matter, they would first be met by oblivion. Thus never letting on the big secret that would destroy everything.
This whole notion does fit rather nicely with the theories of Universal regression so long as everybody remembers that all possibilities of time and space, backwards or forwards, would be happening at the same time and place. Well metaphorically speaking of course, I don't think that a little thing such as the time- space continuum would be of much consideration at that point. Neither would anything else for that matter. We are Nothing after all.
So long as everything positive has its negative counterpart, existence will continue. We can rest assured that whomever won the Super Bowl will still be important to whomever cares that they did. It will still be hard to find a good burger, the French and the British will still argue over whom is the more pompous of the two, and pizza will still taste good when you are drunk. So sleep soundly and firm in the knowledge that both you and God are both pretty sure that sun will rise on our little heads just as soon as our little planet spins around to face it.