h2g2 Hidden Word Quiz: Authors and Novels
Created | Updated Feb 20, 2011

We've gone all literary with this week's hidden word puzzle. It's a bit more complicated than usual, so pay attention.
This time, there are two lists. In the first, you need to spot the titles of classic novels and in the second list the surnames of their authors. In each case these are hidden within the titles of h2g2 Edited Guide Entries.
The length of the hidden title/author is shown in brackets, so, for example, if an entry in the first list was...
Music Sharing and Its Impact on the Industry (9)
...then the hidden novel would be "Hard Times". The letters appear in order within the title:
music sHARing anD iTs IMpact on thE induStry
This novel's author would appear somewhere in in the second list; for example it could be in the entry:
Bodyline - When Cricket Divided Nations (7)
...which contains the author (Charles) "Dickens":
boDylIne - when CricKEt divided NationS
Before You Start
There are 20 novels and associated authors to find. Some novel titles contain more than one word. I've ignored spaces, capitalisation and punctuation. Finally, the lists are scrambled, so N1 isn't necessarily the novel written by author A1.
Good luck!