A Conversation for Warwick University

First Years

Post 1


Hi. Is anyone else starting Warwick uni this year?

First Years

Post 2

Cupid Stunt

Me! what are you going to be studying?

First Years

Post 3


Management Science. How about you?

First Years

Post 4

Cupid Stunt


First Years

Post 5


As a second year, I'm certainly looking to go back smiley - smiley

Btw, Warwick University isn't *that* far off from Warwick, and it is next to the border of Warwickshire, so it isn't that bad.

First Years

Post 6

Cupid Stunt

It's still a bit silly, being that far away. Mind you, the "University of somewhere in the west midlands" doesn't sound quite right does it?

I thought some of it was in Warwickshire?

First Years

Post 7


Not according to the website... Though it might be. I don't really think it's worth worrying about though smiley - smiley

First Years

Post 8

McKay The Disorganised

All of Warwick University is in Warwickshire. The label of West Midlands is ignored by people who live in the area. West Midlands is Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Walsall and places in between.

First Years

Post 9

Cupid Stunt

Well, in that cas eI'm completely in Warwickshire at the moment. smiley - smiley

The physics dpt to be exact.

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