A Conversation for Warwick University


Post 1

Researcher 105689 aka Mamo

So let me guess all the article s are done by Warwick Uni' Students raving about how great Warwick Uni' is.
No I am not saying it is not ( not having visited Warwick Uni' more than a few times) but isn't there at least one little dark side to the golden globe in the midlands (sorry to all Brummie Uni' students there but Warwick Uni' does sound nicer).
Please reveal that Coventry's diamond has it's rough side....


Post 2


Its not so much a rough side as a sometimes less than comfortable side. As a first yr undergraduate I have experienced the pressure to fit into small social groups, a cosy dullness prepetuated by the Stundent's Union which is at times suffocating, but I expect his is true of most campus unis. The university's leading role in the commercialisation of academia, which will only increase under the new vice-chancellor, could prove unforgivable though.


Post 3


Its not so much a rough side as a sometimes less than comfortable side. As a first yr undergraduate I have experienced the pressure to fit into small social groups, a cosy dullness prepetuated by the Stundent's Union which is at times suffocating, but I expect his is true of most campus unis. The university's leading role in the commercialisation of academia, which will only increase under the new vice-chancellor, could prove unforgivable though.

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