A Conversation for Warwick University

Hmmm, yes

Post 1


warwick kicks arse.
\that cone thing isn't a patch on the one that was done by the same artist on The Isle of Wight...ours is coloured and the lights change colour too.
It doesn't work though.
Where's this good, cheap food then?
If you're talking about the Cooler Diner or Airfare, things have changed quite severely since you wrote this entry...!

Hmmm, yes

Post 2

Cupid Stunt

Never mind the cone thing, has anyone figured out what that red thing outside the rootes halls is yet?

It doesn't have good cheap food? *makes note* Is it that the cheap food isn't good, and the good food isn't cheap?

Hmmm, yes

Post 3

Cupid Stunt

To answer my own questions, no, correct, yes, yes...

The cone is actually a koan, and the cooler diner and airfare have become battered and barfood.

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