Warwick University

6 Conversations

Situated just south of Coventry, the University of Warwick is, in fact, nowhere near Warwick and in the West Midlands rather than Warwickshire. It is currently ranked about fourth in the country academically but we all maintain here that when academia and social life are averaged, Warwick would top the scale. Student wise, Warwick has the largest Students Union in Europe with several fairly cheap bars, Cholo and Grumpy John's being the best. There is a nightclub called the Cooler (so called because it gets so hot some nights, sweat drips from the ceiling) with its own bar and many places to get good, cheap food. Warwick boasts the largest Arts Centre in Britain outside London which also features the renowned 'cone' sculpture. All in all, Warwick is a top University and you'd be a fool if you passed up the opportunity to study here.

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