A Conversation for Warwick University


Post 1

Researcher 146545

Well, I'm headed to Warwick in October and I'm sure I'll have a great time as a Fresher. But doesn't it all get boring after a while? Warwick is probably the best campus university in the UK, but it does seem rather isolated. Do students eventually get fed up and start heading further out (Birmingham, for example) when they have to see the same people and the same place over and over? After living in London, I'm worried that i may go mad @ Warwick. Is there any reason to be concerned?


Post 2

Cupid Stunt

Well, as I'm sure yopu figured out by now, and as I can confirm after only two and a bit weeks, It's not even close to boring, and people do quite often venture into Coventry, Brimingham, and even Leamington...

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