A Conversation for Lurkers Cottage

Camping out on the trail

Post 121

The Ghost of Zekejello

*the rustle in the bushes to the west goes silent and the owl calls stop*

Camping out on the trail

Post 122

The Ghost of Rebjello

*another owl call is heard - from the east this time*

Camping out on the trail

Post 123


*an Oo Oo Oo sound is heard from up a nearby tree*

Camping out on the trail

Post 124

soeasilyamused, or sea

*a growling is heard from sea, who stomps back into the clearing and glares at the captives*

*sea wishes everyone else kept later hours*

Camping out on the trail

Post 125

Indian Joe Two Jellos

*back at the camp a Jello struggles mightily to get free whilst the guards are distracted*


This old plains indian trick.

*moves back to back with Butch and to undo his knots first*

Quickly Butch - guards will be back soon

Camping out on the trail

Post 126

Indian Joe Two Jellos

Camping out on the trail

Post 127

soeasilyamused, or sea

i'll pretend i didn't see that. smiley - winkeye

*goes over to wake witty and the others (turning back to hostages)*

Camping out on the trail

Post 128

Sherry à la Gelée - Schoolmarm Extraordinaire

*In the distance, a woman dismounts from her horse and hides behind a large tree to watch*

The Rescue Attempt

Post 129

The Ghost of Rebjello

*throws a stone into the bushes to distract attention*

The Rescue Attempt

Post 130

Indian Joe Two Jellos

*back at the camp the Jellos are still struggling to get free*


[Two Jellos] How do I do Butch.

[Butch] I think yew just undid ma britches Joe.

The Rescue Attempt

Post 131


*hears a noise to his left maybe like a thrown stone but he's not sure*


Is that yew Festus ?

The Rescue Attempt

Post 132

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

no. it's me.

The Rescue Attempt

Post 133

soeasilyamused, or sea

*whirls around in direction of rock impact*

who's over there!

*fires into air*

i'll shoot you!

The Rescue Attempt

Post 134


*up in the trees throws a banana between Montana and sea just to see if they start stalking each other*

The Rescue Attempt

Post 135

The Ghost of Zekejello

*falls over a large cache of beans in the darkness*

Dang !

The Rescue Attempt

Post 136

Indian Joe Two Jellos

*after considerable effort (and long periods of sitting very still when Posse members creep around the bushes hunting Jellos) two of the prisoners manage to untie themselves and slowly crawl towards the bushes. One of them has his britches around his ankles*


[Butch] Joe, if'n we git out of this in one piece, I'm gonner teach you a few of ma own tricks .... fer yer own benefit yer understand smiley - cross

The Rescue Attempt

Post 137


*watching montana and sea with gleeful delight*

The Rescue Attempt

Post 138


*reappears relieved that she chose a shrub and not a bush*

*sees furtive movement from Butch and Joe*

Now, now, not happy with our hospitality? This crossbow may look a little slow and cumbersome, but it is state of the art with a little Celtic smiley - fairysmiley - magic thrown in.

I really don't think you two want to go anywhere.

The Rescue Attempt

Post 139

Titania (gone for lunch)

Rebjello in the east, Zekejello in the west just stumbled over bean tins, ape up in tree between sea and MR, unknown lady in the distance...

*pops up quite unexpectedly behind Yellowjello, just as he is about to approach prisoners*

*aiming arrow at him*

Going anywhere special?

The Rescue Attempt

Post 140

Witty Moniker

*Witty, awakened suddenly by sea, struggles to shake the cobwebs out of her brain. She's not much help in thwarting the rescue attempt, but she manages to dial her nano-gun to 'flare' and fires directly overhead.

The area is brightly lit for several seconds, giving the posse a chance to assess the situation.*

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