The Town of Peta Gulch

13 Conversations

A cowboy resting his feet on his patio.

On the far side of Moxon Wood, out on the frontier of h2g2 island, far from the beaten path, lies the town of Peta Gulch. It's not much of a town, consisting mainly of a loose collection of clapboard buildings along a single dusty main street. Some of the buildings have false fronts, but none of the buildings are more than two storeys tall. All of them have hitching posts outside and some have stables out back. A rough boardwalk runs along the front of the buildings in the middle of town.

It's a mystery how the town survives, since there appears to be no source of income, but survive it does, although not attractively.


Two cowboy-type dudes firing guns on an old-style TV.

If the buildings of the town are not particularly interesting, the inhabitants of the town certainly are. By far, the majority of the inhabitants are brightly coloured, but dusty, webjellos. These are a species of sentient gelatine that exists for the sole purpose of slowing internet connections. As such, they are all outlaws. And as with most outlaws, they are a desperate bunch, frequently fighting it out on the main street.


The Mayor of the town is a former candidate for the virtual h2g2 presidency: The Celery. He can usually be found in the City Hall.

Also performing many jobs around town are the Giant Apes. There is rumoured to be about 500 of them in and around the town. They are best avoided, since they all seem to be disgruntled with the h2g2 world.

Recently, a posse has been seen in and around the town. The associated characters, from both sides are listed here:
Jellos and Swellos

Places to see

A cowboy and a horse at a bar

  • City Hall - This is where you can find the Mayor (if he isn't in the saloon)
  • The Saloon - The swinging doors lead into a large room, with a long wooden bar on one side and tables with chairs filling the rest of the room. Smoke fills the air from the many cigars being smoked by the webjellos and a piano player bangs out a tune at the upright piano in the corner. A door at the back leads to an inner room where a high-stakes poker game is normally being played.
  • The Hotel - Next to the saloon, it features rooms at reasonable rate.
  • Sherrif's Office - This largely unused, since the town doesn't have a sherrif. However, the attached jail is sometimes put to use.
  • General Store - Carries a little of everything.
  • Drug Store/Barber Shop - The best place to get a shave and the bandaids you'll need afterwards
  • Blacksmith's Shop - Everything you need for your horse.

A bison

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