AGG/GAG - 20 - 'Perspectives'

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smiley - cheers - 2oth Anniversary Edition - smiley - cheers

Blob designed by (tonsil revenge)/click on Groucho's nose to visit the AGG/GAG/CAC homepage

Open your mind and say, "AWW"

Fiction * Weird Science * First/Personals * Satire * KitchenSinkronicities
smiley - ufosmiley - blackcatsmiley - tennisball

Message from the great behind:

You've all probably wondered why I've called you
together today. It is because one of you has done
something so profoundly nefarious that only time
can truly punish you to the extent that you deserve.
I will leave it to each of your consciences to convict
the truly guilty party. I will brook no discussion.
The very fact that I had to call your attention to it
proves that you all are partially to blame,
because you are your brother's keeper...
So feed him more often and clean his cage!

smiley - sharksmiley - hsif

An Unreliable History of Steelmaking
by Pinniped

Introed by Subcom. Deidzoeb

'Very soon, England's green and pleasant land was dotted with dark satanic mills, and proto-economists gave their permission for the Industrial Revolution to get started.' The title is quite misleading. Although it is a history of steelmaking, you can rely on this entry to make you laugh.

A Short Story for PP
by Eomando

Introed by Subcom. Deidzoeb

'On one hand, there was the risk that he'd be eaten by the old woman in whose gingerbread house he was now a guest. On the other, there was a chance of getting dry again, asking for directions, sleeping a bit, eating something (though he hated to think what the woman had in her cupboards), and having someone to complain to.'

'He was willing to risk being eaten.'

Aces Aren't Strange
by Taliesin

Introed by (tonsil revenge)
Into every life a little doggerel must fall

Regardless of defenses, it descends upon us all

And like every other bit of weather,

that makes our frames stained and bent,

with it, someone, somewhere,

is trying to pay the rent.

smiley - cheers
This being our 20th Anniversay Edition we'd like to add a couple of special links.

Both of these are funny, for different reasons. Both are by well known, long time researchers.
Their U-numbers added together is still only a 5 digit number.

The Twenty-seventh Letter by LÒÒneytunes

This entry was our inspiration, the reason AggGag was formed.
It was featured in our very first issue 20 weeks ago as an example of Wit and Wisdom
beyond the parameters of the Edited Guide.

I re-read it again recently and, like all good literature, it gets better every time.

Self Portrait of the Wumbeevil As a Young Slug by Wumbeevil

This entry is why we continue. To provide a stage for
the weird and wonderful, the wise and witty.
Consider this one a 2oth Anniversary party treat offered soley for your amusement.

Any deeper meaning is entirely up to you.

smiley - gift

Unrelenting in our efforts to unroot the unappreciated, we, the undernamed inmates of the AGG/GAG/CAC minimum security facility, pledge to troth our plight by seeking and publishing (in the h2g2POST) those entries that might not otherwise get an airing, no matter how badly they might need it.
If you have laundry or literary experience or hope to, won't you join us as we sing our closing hymn?
From the Unpaid Method Actor's Hymnal, 'Songs the Lord Bought Us', page 404:
  • smiley - musicalnote
  • ~jwf~ Stronger than he seems in photos. Unless they are 'scratch and sniff'.
  • (tonsil revenge) More trouble than he's worth.
  • =X Subcom Deidzoeb An enigma wrapped in a Delorean.
  • Spaceman Spiff Older than he seems, younger than he can imagine.
  • Martin Skill, luck, and a smile.
  • Sir Bossel Inestimable when the auditor comes.
  • Hobbes Outstanding in someone's field until the lights come on.
  • Zaphod Advancing scholarship beyond its ability to comprehend.
  • smiley - musicalnote
Second verse:
  • smiley - musicalnote

Another Guide to the Galaxy/Galactic Anomaly Group/
Committee for Alien Content

The Alternative Writing Guidelines

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The Penultimate AGG/GAG Homepage

  • smiley - musicalnote

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