Gyre And Gimble / Come and Contribute
Created | Updated Mar 3, 2002
Would you like to be part of AGG/GAG? Excellent: fresh blood is a wondrous thing. And don't worry - it doesn't have to be virginal.
There are lots of facets to AGG/GAG, and you can try any of them, as much or as little as you want.
I'd like to help AGG/GAG - here's how:
Write entries on
subjects - fiction, weird science, satire, first/personal, and the kitchen sink. AGG/GAG is always after new writers to feature, and it's great to have regular contributors to rely on. If you don't want to start from scratch, find a cool idea from the Flea Market, or a hot topic on How Do I..., Ask h2g2, or Misc. Chat. Oh, and we'd like more soft porn to turn us on.
Aggie Locator
Find the coolest unedited entries, and submit them to the Alternative Writing Workshop. Or tell the Boss directly. Or add them to our nominations page. Or tell the nominations maintainer. Or save them up for when you're the Boss. Whatever turns you on.
Critical Morass
Comment on entries in the Alternative Writing Workshop. Also comment on them when the Boss's deciding what to include. Finally, write catchy little reviews to convince people to read the entry in just a few lines. Play nice , or play nasty
- whatever turns you on.
Nominations Herder
Deidzoeb is doing this job at the moment. I dunno whether he'd like to hand it on to someone else - better ask him. This is a great job if you want to have first glimpse of the huge wealth of suggestions supplied by our aggie locators - suitable for hard workers with unbounded curiosity and a computer that's turned on.
Crusty Archivist
The archivist maintains the Archives and related pages. Martin has this job, and he intends to keep it . But when he gets bored or banned, we'll be wanting a replacement - someone else who gets turned on by categories and order.
Boss for each entry makes final decisions on what goes in, tells Shazz when it's ready, does the formatting and such, and generally makes things happen. We've only got one Boss: jwf, and we could do with more to take the strain from his back some weeks. Does power turn you on?
Aperiodically, we have a special edition of AGG/GAG - the last was the Valentine's Day Edition . These are quite cool, we think, and they are generally prepared in advance. The Valentine's Day one was a specific date, but others could just be released when they are ready, or when there's nobody available to be Boss for that week. So tell us about all the weird things that turn you on - and write a special edition on the subject.
Big Boss
If we had a big boss, then sie'd be in overall control. But we don't, so stuff just sort of happens at semi-random, and we chat about what the best thing to do is, until someone goes off and does it, and thus important policy decisions are taken. Which is just as well, we reckon. Frankly, chaos (or KAOS) turns us on, and authority is just one big downer.
Your job here
There's lots of cool stuff to do, if you feel like it. Italic or Post Liason, perhaps. Mailing List Co-ordinator. Email Hourder. Comic Relief. I dunno - just tell us what you want to do, ok, and write your own final bit about turning things on. Like, uh, whatever!