A Conversation for The Field of Honour

Shadar Logoth

Post 41


*A breeze stirs...*

Shadar Logoth

Post 42

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*retrieves his Mace from the multi-verse*

Shadar Logoth

Post 43


*Along the darkened alleys behind the fighters, a grey mist begins to pour...*

Shadar Logoth

Post 44

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt


*Summons some magic throwing skeleton mages and makes a quite and magicless retreat*

Shadar Logoth

Post 45


*Mashadar begins to creep into the road the fighters occupy, and bears down on the skeletons and on Time Traveler.*

Shadar Logoth

Post 46

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*The skeletons throw lots of freezing and lighting energy*

Shadar Logoth

Post 47


*The energy crackles through Mashadar with no effect, as it floats over them. With uncanny speed, the tendrels of fog wrap around and snake down the throats of the skeletons, pouring out of every orifice, which scream and crumble to the ground.*

Shadar Logoth

Post 48

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*slinks farther away, without using magic*

Shadar Logoth

Post 49

Time Traveller - Knights of h2g2 Astronomer - Chairman of the Society of Time Travellers

Realises the Mashdar is near but it hasn't noticed him... quietly now... quietly...

*gets a good distance from evil fog"

*throws a plain playing card at hds's ear*

Shadar Logoth

Post 50

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*senses the playing card nearing and drops down into a roll, which takes him farther from the Mashadar, and closer to TT. Raises his wrist and fires the scorpion on it (its a little razor sharp grabby thing that either cuts or grabs whatever it touches)*

Shadar Logoth

Post 51


At this point, mashadar is behind you both, and following. You're going to have to move fast, or it /will/ catch up.

Shadar Logoth

Post 52

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Checks his robes, finds his rocket pack and activates it. HDS flies to the top of a decaying sky scraper*

No magic here you smiley - weird fog

Shadar Logoth

Post 53


It won't be drawn as fast, but it still follows the living.

Shadar Logoth

Post 54

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

a little late to tell us that

Shadar Logoth

Post 55


Not at all. Ask Goose about it, or anyone else who's read the WoT series. The point of Mashadar is to keep you on the edge... no lollygagging.

Shadar Logoth

Post 56

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

I'll ask goose when he comes back. But it is a little iritating to hear about the mashadar's life seeking ability after the fact

Shadar Logoth

Post 57


Just remember, it's not all that fast. You can run from it, but you won't have the luxery of standing around in one area for all too long.

Shadar Logoth

Post 58

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

uh huh. In the books was there any way to stop it? I wouldn't employ it, but is there? I can think of one way, but it would actually but it would be treading in TT's area of expertise.

Myst, have you ever seen Evangelion?

Shadar Logoth

Post 59


Not currently, no. The closest way to do it blew the entire city off the map, which I'm not going to allow. That would work, as it kills off every source of the city's curse. But then what would the point be? And yeah, I've seen Evangelion.

Shadar Logoth

Post 60

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

ok, and ok.

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