AGG/GAG - 17

1 Conversation

Logo design by tonsil revenge / Click on Groucho's nose to visit the AGG/GAG/CAC homepage.

Open your mind and say, "AWW"

Fiction smiley - angel Weird Science smiley - scientist First/Personals smiley - flustered Satire smiley - devil Kitchen Sinkronicities

This week: An all AGG/GAG/CAC issue

There is no point to having authority and power and influence unless you can flaunt it and abuse it. So this week in an act of glorious self indulgence, with no regard to the feelings of non-members, the Popeye chucklers of AGG/GAG/CAC wallow in our own.

smiley - weirdsmiley - piratesmiley - nahnah

Euphemisms for Madness by Zaphod

In real life, our newest member, Zaphod, is quite close to Madness. His daily association with Mental Health Issues provides him knowledge and insight that will soon be thoroughly shared in an officially approved 'H2G2 Edited Entry'. smiley - cheers

But... as it is currently in 'the final stages of the editing process', our chance to 'scoop' the Guide is more temptation than we can stand. Leaving you to anticipate more, we proudly present only the 'best' of the entry, the part that came out of contributions from the community, the sum knowledge of what the common-man-in-the-h2g2-streets thinks of
mental disorders.smiley - monster

A tale of woe and stale donuts, told in portables and ribalds.

tonsil revenge

Looking for a good book?

BBC Mantras by Subcom. Deidzoeb

"... and now the mews."

Template for a funny piece by Spaceman Spiff

A leg up for aspiring comics.

The Fear by Hobbes

A glimpse into ambivalence, part one: guilt and defiance.

Banjo Jumping by Sir Bossel

From a tree branch leaning out over the stream of consciousness,
a thread dangles, tempting you to become a swinger.

Capitalist Capitalisation by Lucinda

Lucinda's MasterPlan to correct the Universe marches on,
this time pointing out yet another fault in the order of things.

the Boatman by ~jwf~

Another candid moment or two in the life of ~jwf~
Here he participates in role playing fantasies with uncharacteristic glee.

smiley - biggrin
Coming soon:
An all cooking and dancing issue edited by tonsil revenge. Contributions welcomed.

Scouting the Guide for the good stuff, we'll continue to bring you AGG/GAG/CAC applauded entries in each issue of the h2g2POST. And we hope you'll join us!

Another Guide to the Galaxy / Galactic Anomaly Group / Committee for Alien Content

The Alternative Writing Guidelines

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