BBC mantras: read between the lines

1 Conversation

</free expression>

ModerationisnotcensorshipModer Becausewehavetoensureweunders Besides,virtualelectionsarem
ationisnotcensorshipModeration tandapostingorguideentrybefor orefunanyway!Besides,virtual
isnotcen sorshipModera ewecanp assit,languag electionsa remorefun
tionisno tcensorshi esother thanEnglis anyway! Beside
pModerat ionisnot hmayhav etoberem s,virt ualel
censorsh ipMod erationi oved.Be cause wehaveto ectio nsaremo refuna
snotcens orshi pModerat ensurew eunder standapo nyway !Besides,virtualel
ionisnot censo rshipMod stingor guidee ntrybef ect ionsaremorefunanyway
erationi snot censorsh oreweca npa ssit,lan !Be sides,virtualelectio
ipModera tionisnot guageso therthanE nsa remorefunanyway!Besi
censorsh ipModerat nglishm ayhavetob des ,virtualelectionsare
ionisnot censorsh eremove d.Becau mor efunanyway!Besides,v
ip.Moder ationi snotce sewehav toensu reweun irt ualelectionsaremoref
nsorship Moderat ionisn derstan daposti ngorgu una anyway!Besides,virtu
otcensor shipMod eratio ideentr ybefore wecanp alele ctionsaremorefunan
nisnotce nsors hipMod assit,l angua gesoth yway! Besides, virtu
erationi snotcens erthanE nglishm alelect ionsa
orshipMo deration ayhavet oberemove remorefu nanywa
isnotcen sorshipMode d.Becau sewehaveto y!Besides, virtuale
rationisnotcensorshipModeratio understandapostingorguideentr lectionsaremorefunanyway!Bes
nisnotcensorshipModerationisno ybeforewecanpassit,languageso ides,virtualelectionsaremore

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