Talking Point: Smoking in Public

29 Conversations

Are people allowed to smoke at your place of work? At one time people were allowed to smoke wherever they liked; on trains, planes and buses; in the cinema; even in the doctor's waiting room. Many places have now become no smoking zones and smokers don't expect to be able to 'light-up' anywhere they chose.

Some countries have banned smoking in all public areas, others have stopped people smoking on public transport. But just how far should the no smoking rules extend? Where do you think it is acceptable for people to smoke? In which of these places do you think that should smoking be banned? Why?

  • Restaurants
  • Pubs and bars
  • Nightclubs
  • Friends' houses
  • The street
  • Parks and open spaces
  • Public transport
  • Public spaces (Museums, Libraries etc)
  • Cinemas, concerts and theatres
  • At work
  • At college

Would you allow smoking in these areas if specially designated smoking areas were provided?

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