A Conversation for Talking Point: Smoking in Public

Scottish smoking ban

Post 1


Hey, it's one year since they banned smoking in all public buildings in Scotland, and much has been made of an apparent downturn in trade for pubs and clubs. To be fair there was a downturn, particularly in the worst weather over winter, but in the main it's not been too bad. I think many of the quoted figures of losses are much exaggerated. It was amazing how quickly we got used to it, and when I visited Wales it was very strange to smoke in a pub. (Also, I noticed that a lot of ash ends up in the drinks!)
As I work in a pub, the law was designed to protect me and although I do smoke I find that I am actually pro-smoking-ban! I enjoy my clothes not smelling, and I get to know the customers better when I am out having a cigarette.
Saying all that, I would not have been opposed to the installation of proper ventilation instead, and this would have created jobs and money for industry aswell.


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Scottish smoking ban

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