A Conversation for Talking Point: Smoking in Public

The maternity ward

Post 21

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

I hate it when I'm constricted in my usual activities and choices by lack of money but when I have it, I'm generous and free with it. I'd rather share it with friends than try and save it up then spend it on something I dont really need.

The maternity ward

Post 22


I have never saved a penny in my life, I have only ever paid legally necessary insurance and - having lived abroad for the past 28 years - have no pension whatsoever - anywhere. I have no mortgage, no credit or debit cards, no health insurance and a bank account - only to allow money to be paid in and immediately drawn out. What I have is what I have. I am happier like that and there is little that anyone can take away. In the meantime, I help and support my extended Moroccan family and in return they will probably look after me in my infirmity.

The maternity ward

Post 23

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

I do feel the need for security myself, even if it is an ephemereal security being sold by the capitalist state... We all gotta hold onto something in this storm we call life I guess smiley - smiley

The maternity ward

Post 24


Sorry - I disagree - I prefer to take life as it comes - I suppose that is a bit of a fraud as I know that my Moroccan family will care for me if I become incapacitated and bury me when I die. I have had, seen and read about too many cases where one's savings and/or pensions have been devalued or stolen. Better to have nothing - it is difficult to take that away from you!smiley - sadface

The maternity ward

Post 25

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

less pedant more optimist eh ped smiley - winkeye

No, I do agree with you. I have some faith in capitalism as you know, but I dont dabble in stockmarket and large amounts of money. One day I'll have to venture into the housing market I guess, even though I think it's a huge rip off. I'm getting fed up with making other people richer though. I have no idea what the state of pensions will be when I retire, it's so far away that even speculating is pretty pointless so I'll keep making my payments (national insurance and a work pention too) like a good little sheep and see where it takes me. I dont like the idea of making other people responsible for me... Not everyone will agree with me or I them and I've seen many families falling apart from the inside because of expectations which have left little or no room for individual ideas or ambition. I also have sympathy with traditional views on family and looking after people... Ugh, I just dont know! lol

The maternity ward

Post 26


We must agree to differ. Anyway I am too old to change and it is too late to start trying to save anything, so I will just have to take life - and then death - as it comes. Have another smiley - ale and sod the expense!

smiley - cheerssmiley - ale

The maternity ward

Post 27

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

funny just how different people can be, isnt it? I love the diversity, even though it can frustrate me... If people were as tolerant, empathic and understanding as they are diverse, we'd all be a lot happier I guess! Oh, and if wishes were horses, beggars'd ride!

The maternity ward

Post 28


I couldn't agree more - most of the problems in the world are from one lot saying 'you have GOT to be like us. Maybe the Iraqi's just don't want to be like Americans - I certainly don't.

The maternity ward

Post 29

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Insecurity breeds intolerance. If you're not sure you're right, how can you be sure your neighbour or their friend isnt going to usurp you? Often you've missed the point entirely... I'm a firm believer in the way I am... In general, I'd rather be known for who I am and be judged and accepted or not on that basis. If I try to be something else I'm lying to myself and I'll never be happy... I see so many people fighting to keep their heads above water rather than admit they dont like swimming and would rather be skydiving... It's a pointless waste of energy and doomed to failure more often than not...

And no, I CERTAINLY dont want to be like america! I'd quite like to be like england... The england I'd love to see. Ambitious, protective but tolerant and welcoming. America is an overgrown toddler with a butter knife and the rest of the world is a big juicy worm. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

The maternity ward

Post 30


Agree 100%smiley - cheers

The maternity ward

Post 31

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Blimey! Did I make sense? cOOl! I'll have to try and do that moer often smiley - smiley

smiley - laugh

chance'd be a fine thing! lol

The maternity ward

Post 32


I think that I meant sense once - but it may have been an accident.

The maternity ward

Post 33

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

And if not an accident then perhaps a fish?

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