A Conversation for Talking Point: Smoking in Public

No smoke without fire

Post 1


The Healthcare Trust I work for banned smoking on the premises and grounds in Sept 06. Despite all we know about the cycle of addiction which acknowledges that the 'addict' must be ready to quit before any attempts at stopping will be successful, we were told that on a certain date we would quit. We were provided with a 'Quit Smoking' DVD and that was that. Needless to say the majority of us still smoke, at work, albeit surreptitiously.

In the summer, smoking in all public places will be banned. Forgive me if I'm wrong but aren't clubs, pubs, restaurants etc privately and not state owned? Surely it should be up to the individual proprietors to decide whether they allow smoking on their premises?

What next? Banning BBQ's? Apparently inhaling smoke from them is far more injurous to health (but less publicised)

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No smoke without fire

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