A Conversation for Talking Point: Smoking in Public

Smoking should be allowed...

Post 1

Is mise Duncan

..where other addictive drugs are taken. In fact, it is no more acceptable to spark up in a restaurant than it would be to get out a needle if you think about it in clinical terms.

Smoking should be allowed...

Post 2

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Not if the needle was for a diabetic!

Smoking should be allowed...

Post 3

Is mise Duncan

Indeed - but I'd bet you'd be more likely evicted from a pub for injecting insulin than for smoking.

Smoking should be allowed...

Post 4

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I'm a diabetic, and in my younger days, when a pub really pi**ed me off I'd leave a (new, sterile) insulin syringe in one of the ashtrays as I left... That was usually sufficient to start getting them a reputation as a junkie's hangout... smiley - bigeyes

Smoking should be allowed...

Post 5


how irresponsible, thats as bad as smoking! smiley - smiley

Smoking should be allowed...

Post 6

Ethics Gradient

Been there, by proxy.

My partner was thrown out by a doorman in a pub when s/he took his/er insulin, even though s/he uses one of the pen things.

The door staff simply assumed that anything injucted was an illegal narcotic.

Smoking should be allowed...

Post 7

Researcher 206473

I completely disagree with your statement about the insulin when a diabetic needs it he should take it he needs it to live you dont need cigarettes to live you need it to make yourself feel good you dont need cigarettes to do that all my family smokes i think the reason i dont is cause i put my self in a eternal happy state smiley - winkeye i could get punched and ill still be in a good mood.
Its just smokers that make me mad when im trying to eat my sister lights up a cigarette and i end up choking i dont wanna die at a young age for something i couldnt control

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