A Conversation for Talking Point: Smoking in Public

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 81


If you check out my home page then you will see that I am also delaing with child sexual abuse issues at the moment. So there is a limit to how much I can enjoy any conversation about health issues, particularly when I am constantly haranged.

So yes, I will be silly and go home to play with my ball now, cause I am dealing with enough already.

If you still feel that labelling me as silly is appropriate in my circumstances then please feel free to ignore me in future, as I'm afraid I will be doing the same to you. Its not personal its self-preservation.

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 82

Geoff Taylor - Gullible Chump

I won't ignore you. I don't ignore.

We've rubbed each other up the wrong way on this thread and I for one don't want to aggravate that any further, so I'm unsubcribing.

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 83

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

I take it that Kaz has unsubscribed from this conversation, but I'd be more than willing to discuss your health issues and take a full case history in private if you so desire Kaz...but somehow I think that you are not open minded enough to even consider the possibility that your asthma was caused by more than physical triggers.

For this thread's information, I was born not able to breathe and have had considerable problems with my lungs ever since......having done a hell of a lot of self-work and soul searching, I came to the conclusion that my lung problems were due to emotional issues I have had with my mother ever since I was born, and my inital desire to smoke was an attempt to 'shut' her out and all the hassles she caused me...all of this adding up to 'give' me asthma. I am in full understanding that my own history has lead me to the point of having asthma......but it is asthma that is now aggravated by physical triggers seeing as it has been an emotional problem for so long that it has become manifest physically in my body.

I can only give insight into my own experiences and ask uncomfortable questions that people might not ask themselves in order to maybe bring about a new understanding.

I was only trying to put forward another point of view based on my own experiences, and I am mature enough to realise that of course other people's experiences do not always mirror my own. But it is worth considering that listening to other people's views bring light to our own situation sometimes.

*Phew!* OK, lecture over.......

Surely we should all just learn to deal with smoking/smokers? This is not a problem that is going to go away overnight, and it is a little pointless in my opinion in getting so worked up to take a debate so seriously to heart.

Bottom line: if smoking seriously affects your health, then avoid smoky situations, or people you know will smoke around you.

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 84

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

ok, so I didn't read Kaz's last post....sorry if I offended you Kaz, I meant only to help.

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 85


I am an ex-smoker of 2 years (and yes, i am only 19, i smoked at least 5 a day ( nearly always more) from the age of 13/14.) And still smoke 'special' cigarettes!!!
My gripe is all the people who complain about the outside air being polluted. Im guessing all these people drive and use electricity and so contribute to the two biggest sources of air pollution there is. If I have a fire in my garden, i am polluting the air.

I can see why smoking in indoor places can be complained about, i particularly dislike the smell of smoke when im eating, but pubs and clubs run to make money, many people would not go to a club where they couldn't smoke and so any such club would probably go bust.

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 86

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I don't specifically complain about the outside air being "polluted" - I complain about being forced to smell tobacco smoke, anywhere. I find the smell stomach-turning, and it really pisses me off to be walking along the street, minding my own business, when someone standing in a shop doorway blows a huge cloud of filth in my face as I pass by. smiley - grr

And bus stops are worse. You see people chain-smoking at them, just to build up their nicotine levels so they can "survive" the ten-minute journey home on the smoke-free bus. And if you're stuck downwind of them in a queue your only choices are to breathe their filth, stop breathing and suffocate or lose your place in the queue.

I have a strong and abiding hatred for those who force their tobacco habit on others in a public place. smiley - steam

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 87


Oh Peet, what a sad sight. smiley - sadface

I don't have a problem with the fact that you don't like tobacco smoke. Nor that there are inconsiderate people who don't bother to avoid forcing it on others unnecessarily.

But venom is venom, and self-righteous venom is particularly nasty. And in this case, we seem to be looking at gratuitous self-righteous venom. Certainly no improvement.

Enjoy hating

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 88


Peet, i stand downwind of cars and cough on the fumes, I ride a motorbike and blow black snot out of my nose when i stop. I object to this, to people who do not keep their vehicles maintained so they pump out clouds of black smoke and drip oil along the road. But if you burn this little stick then the nasty smell (yes i agree its a nasty smell, but so is so much other s**t) will do more harm then all those nasty car smells.

I would rather live in a world with no vehicle pollution then a world without smoking.

What about you?

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 89

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Given the immediate choice of one or the other, I'd go for the world without smoking, thanks! smiley - smiley

As I'm trying to get across, I'm not particularly interested in the health aspects. I just don't want to smell tobacco ever again.

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 90

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Spiff, "there are inconsiderate people who don't bother to avoid forcing it on others unnecessarily"... So, under what circumstances would you consider it "necessary"? smiley - ermsmiley - yuk

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 91


Peet, i dont like the smell of dog s**t, but that doesnt mean all dogs should be banned from public places. There are lots of things that I dont 'like' but i dont propose banning them all.
Live your life.
There is much more important things.

Nowhere children go. In fact nowhere at all.

Post 92


no, I didn't mean it was necessary to smoke in public. That is a question of choice.

i meant that some people *do* try to make sure they are not blowing their smoke towards others. In bus queues, for instance, I generally take a few steps away from the stop if I'm going to smoke. smiley - smiley

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