A Conversation for Talking Point: Smoking in Public

Public or private?

Post 1

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Over the weekend there was an apartment complex fire (5 alarm - that's real bad) which it has been determined was started by a cigarette end being thrown off a balcony onto an an area where cigarette ends are often discarded. An entire building of the complex was destroyed, $2.5 million worth of damage, and 46 homeless and possessionless families who I imagine might now be wishing that smoking was banned entirely. So we've got a conundrum. The cigarette in question was being smoked in a private place, but it had public consequences.

Public or private?

Post 2

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost Think about how many fires are started by candals being burned? Everything we do affects others, Gosho.

I'm a smoker, but I will not smoke in public indoors or near an entrance/exit. Many people have athsma, and I want them to be safe to come and go as they please. I also don't fill the house or car with smoke, as some who live with me don't smoke.

It isn't right to put others at risk. That being said, I don't think I'm akin to a mass-murderer just because I light up.

Public or private?

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

If candles are used with care they present no danger. If cigarettes are disposed of properly, they also present no danger.

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