A Conversation for Alabaster House

Office of the President - November

Post 1


Hypatia sits behind her large walnut desk lost in thought. She gazes at the large seating area across the room, which is ready for guests. Sofas, club chairs, occassional tables, lamps, plants, knick knacks - all pulled together wth a large coffee table. On the table is a beautiful hand carved tea tray, made for the office by Lady C's Mr. C.

So, why is it a tea tray, but a coffee table? smiley - erm

Office of the President - November

Post 2


The Office's furniture reflects the inclusiveness of the Ozark Administration. There's a tray made for traditional English smiley - tea, to help the English Researchers feel at home and to symbolise h2g2's roots in stories (smiley - dontpanic) where smiley - tea played a vital role. But there's also a smiley - coffee table to demonstrate our respect for those parts of the planet where smiley - coffee is more prevalent. smiley - smiley

Office of the President - November

Post 3


smiley - hug Spinmeister. That's as good an explanation as any. I have always been interested about the way things get theri names. I really do wonder why the folks naming tables didn't call it a tea table.

Office of the President - November

Post 4


Maybe - to be inclusive of all the UK nationals - you need a Scotch Corner in the presidential office? smiley - biggrin

Is there any coffee in that pot, please?

Office of the President - November

Post 5


*drags two very comfy arm chairs, ottomans, and several tables to one corner, adds tartan throws, (hopes she has the right tartans smiley - yikes), books about mountains, lochs and oats, and several tins of shortbread*

I hope this looks like a Scotch corner. smiley - smiley *wonders if she should include a bottle of Scotch for Teuchter's coffeee*

Office of the President - November

Post 6


You're getting a new office every November? Pah!
You only appropriated... like seven bucks for my office but you get a new one in November. Meh.

smiley - blacksheep

Office of the President - November

Post 7


Same office - new month. I shall begin a new conversation each month. smiley - smiley

Office of the President - November

Post 8


*looks approvingly at Scotch Corner

Very cosy, Hyp - nice to know there's a wee bit of Scotland in the Ozarks.

How is your presidency going so far?

Office of the President - November

Post 9


*espys a stray haggis in the corner*

Look, when are you going to get around to fumigatin'?

Office of the President - November

Post 10


What is it you're wanting fumigated, MJ? smiley - yikes

Office of the President - November

Post 11


Teuchter, the Presidency is going swimmingly. smiley - smiley So much so that I am considering building a pool here at Alabaster House. If we begin construction soon, we will have it ready when the weather warms. I'm thinking of one of those indoor/outdoor pools where you swim under the glass to go from one side to the other. smiley - ok With a nice spa area included inside.

Office of the President - November

Post 12


And ice floes, right?

Office of the President - November

Post 13


Have it ready for when the weather warms?

Persuade Jodan to get his sheep to do it, they buil the canteen in about a minute.

Office of the President - November

Post 14


The sheep are fast workers, but they don't follow building codes. And as you know, they sometimes don't receive proper supervision.

I need an engineer, an architect, a general contactor, sub contractors, a site supervisor....I probably should start advertising.

Office of the President - November

Post 15


What? Nah, it's done smiley - ok The sheep emptied out the, erm, pits belows their outhouses, slapped some glass over it and filled it up with water. You'll have to build an extension of Alabaster House over the sheep sh*t pit/swimming pool.

You're welcome smiley - smiley *pushes Prez in* Whee!

smiley - blacksheep

Office of the President - November

Post 16


*drags herself out of the pool....shakes the water out of her left ear and then calmly shoves the smirking vice president into the pool.*

Lovely day for a swim, hey Jodan? What's that you say? You can't swim? No time like the present to learn, then.

*tosses in three sheep and a life jacket*

Office of the President - November

Post 17


Is it a sheep dip?

I still think we needs a Presidential Wrnagler.

hmm, Prez with lasso and golden bracelets...ooo! smiley - winkeye

Office of the President - November

Post 18


No reason to be able to swim out here smiley - cool These sheep make excellent flotation devices, eh? *sips smiley - oj*

smiley - blacksheep

Office of the President - November

Post 19


Eeeeeuw. Wet sheep smell even worse than dry ones. My eyes are watering.

*thinks she might quite like a lasso*

Office of the President - November

Post 20


*entangles Hyp in his lariat of truth*

*she blurts out "I love sheep, no really I do... it's all been an act. They're the sunshine of my day"*

Interesting... smiley - zen

smiley - blacksheep

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