A Conversation for Alabaster House

Presidential Meet

Post 341


Yeah, that's a bummer, Marv.

HMH, my sincere Californiac welcome to you...d'ye like Sam Adams Summer Ale? I promised to provide the brewskis for the meet.

Presidential Meet

Post 342


Blimey, it's getting so you can't move round here for librarians. I look forward to meeting you in real life, hmh.

Presidential Meet

Post 343

Lady Chattingly

hmh, Lord C. and I make our own wine. We are working on cranberry for the meet. It is not a dry wine, but not excessively sweet either. smiley - redwine

Presidential Meet

Post 344


Yay! A new Missouri member! Always nice to see new faces around here smiley - ok.

I'll be seeing you at the meet as well, hmh, coming down from St Louis. I'm planning on bringing some gooey butter cake with me since it's a local specialty.

Gee, it's less than a month away now, I guess I should start thinking about a hotel. And I may be able to come down on the 3rd now, Hyp. We'll see.

Presidential Meet

Post 345


smiley - alesmiley - smoochI have never met a SAdams brew I didn't like. In addition to our extensive gardens and the vineyard, my husband is a brewer. Unfortunately, at present we are fresh out of beer because he has been busy building our sauna and the sauna dressing room and putting a new fence around the vegetable garden which (hopefully) will keep the deer out as well as the rabbits. Yes there are dear deer in town and unfortunately because we are in the city limits we can't shoot them.smiley - grrsmiley - steam

Presidential Meet

Post 346


Lady C., it is a very great pleasure to meet yousmiley - smiley I am sure that there will be plenty to discuss re wine making. Our vineyard is still young, it is only its third season and this year we are allowing it to make 5-6 bunches of grapes per vine. That is if the birds don't get it first. Last year we got 5 whole bottles of wine out of the vineyard. I just love the fact that you can take fruit and add yeast and get smiley - magic wine. Or you use grain and add yeast and get beer, or breadsmiley - magic depending on how thick you leave it.

Presidential Meet

Post 347


Bagpuss, I'm not really a librarian, just a one time wizard shelver and minder of music in the dark past. Now I am a massage therapist, and I did it because I couldn't keep my hands off people and it kept making them feel better and I thought that if I became self employed I would have more time for gardening and less time in the office. I was right.

Presidential Meet

Post 348

Lady Chattingly

So that explains the healingmagichands............you may have more business than you know what to do with at the meet. smiley - biggrin Seriously, a Fourth of July picnic is just what I need this year. I have not been able to be with my family on the 4th for several years. We are retired and so are not encumbered with having to find replacements for us at work, etc. smiley - whistle I am so glad that Hyp decided to do this. I just wish my kids could come too, but they have to work Monday so it's out of the question. smiley - sigh
A vineyard! Wow! Are you planning to go commercial or is it strictly for your own pleasure?
We made spiced apple wine a couple of years ago. (We have an apple tree.) It was pretty good, but a tad too dry for my taste. We've also made pear, strawberry, pineapple, peach, blackberry, and mixed berry, in addition to the cranberry that is now fermenting. We also made some saki. It's really good, but strong.

Presidential Meet

Post 349


Lady C, We are doing the vineyard for our own pleasure. We figure we ought to be able to get about a gallon of wine per vine once they are mature, or around 60 gallons. That works out to about a bottle of wine every couple of days for the year, with some to share. We are not really interested in becoming professional wine sellers. There are an amazing number of regulations regarding the production of alcohol for consumption and we just are not interested in participating it that level of bureaucratic bs.

Now, now, don't start fantasizing about getting massages on my days off. I already have more business than I know what to do with. Sometimes I feel like Old Man Kangaroo being very much sought after by Yellow Dog Dingo.

I have yet to run the idea of coming to the meet past the Brewmaster/Vintner. He has no idea that I have plotted this hatch re going to the meet. After all, I only signed on to h2g2 a couple of days ago. He is retired from the Navy but has a part time job at a liquor store in order to pay all the taxes on the money I earn so we don't have to pay estimated income tax every 3 months. The boss has been out of town on vacation so I haven't gotten to see him much this week (part time is only relative). Anyway, I don't know what the store schedule is over the 4th, and he may have issues about leaving town. I may have to come without him.

Presidential Meet

Post 350


broe, did you ever get my address and phone number? Because it came back twice, I think. I have your addy wrong somehow.

Anyone who needs information and directions for finding the meet, please e-mail me at sofo72 at aol dot com.

Presidential Meet

Post 351


OK, I'll be sending you an email directly. Have managed to pin down the significant other long enough to describe what has been going on and he thinks this sounds like an admirable addition to our life. So we will definitely be coming to the meet. I can hardly wait.smiley - cool What can we bring? Does anyone like fresh crusty french bread?

Presidential Meet

Post 352

Lady Chattingly

Are you kidding, hmh? Who doesn't like fresh, crusty French bread? smiley - biggrin

I will be bringing cranberry smiley - redwine among other things. If the sweet corn is available around here, some of the other things will include smiley - corncob.

Presidential Meet

Post 353


Mmmmmm smiley - smiley Sweet corn smiley - ok

No, Hypatia, I still don't have your info. I haven't had time to figure out why my links aren't working, but I've been having pretty good luck with this email lately:
broelan at yahoo dot com.

Presidential Meet

Post 354


broe, I just tried again. If you don't get it, let me know.

Presidential Meet

Post 355


I got it smiley - ok

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