A Conversation for Alabaster House

Office of the Chief of Staff

Post 121

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

I dunno, Titania, you seem to be understanding me now... smiley - winkeye I'm going to give it a miss, continuity-wise.

[Lentilla dons her Virtual Snow Bubble, which in this universe looks like a Mexican sombrero. She straps the backpack tightly against her shoulders and examines the toe-socks with amusement.]

Say, these are nice! And mine have little flowers on the toes... how darling! [Although Lentilla suspects a Yeti's feet are abominably insulated against the cold, she puts them on anyway, because they're so cute.]

Right... Swirly Thing, here I come! [Lentilla takes a running leap and dives into the swirly thing feet-first, holding her nose with one hand and the sombrero with the other.] Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Office of the Chief of Staff

Post 122

Santragenius V

That ZZ'zZ'KKSSX ... Marion could use a stylist but otherwise I must say she was quite nice and to the point, eh?

*munches a rock cake and quickly puts two in his backpack pocket*

smiley - eurekaThe backpack's here *pats back* It seems rather invisible but is reassuringly solid to touch. No wonder I felt a bit tired walking around...

*wonders is it's a side effect of The Swirly Thing or just a very odd airline bagage handling effect*

Office of the Chief of Staff

Post 123


No VPBs for me, please. Adventure's more fun the more risk you pile on.

*Sigh* Just once I'd like a day at the office to not involve a life-threatening hazard...

*Jumps into the portal*

Office of the Chief of Staff

Post 124

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

*realises that he's been staring at his lovely new socks for far too long and leaps into the swirly thing*

Office of the Chief of Staff

Post 125

Santragenius V

*leaps, following the flutter of owl wings, halfway surprised that his backpack is visible on the way down whereas he himself seems to fade into invisibility*

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