A Conversation for H2G2 London winter meet; Saturday 14 January 2006

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 741


>you'll end up chatting to a bunch of internet nerds for the night<
Your not meant to be scaring me even more ya know!! smiley - laugh

I guess some people are more confident than others eh!

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 742

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Well, 2legs and I can always do a floorshow. And probably RF if we get him smiley - drunk enough. That should dilute the nerdiness.

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 743


I've met 2legs before smiley - yikes In fact he was the first person i met when i went to my first meet. Its amazing i went to another after that! smiley - laugh

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 744

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Of that's the case it's amazing you're still on HooToo! Anyway, I have to go kip now.


Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 745

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

2legs is the life and soul of a meet

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 746

Mrs Zen

Venus, I'm going for the evening, and I'd be amazed if Sol isn't going. Join us! And don't forget other people may be scared of YOU! smiley - monster


Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 747

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I've been to a mini-meet in Edinburgh and was dressed as a pirate for the Stonehenge Meet.

This will be my first London Meet... Mrs. D is booking the hotel today! I'm slightly nervous. Not because I'm worried about meeting a bunch of internet weirdos (I do Live Role-Play, so there'll be very little you guys can do which will surprise me), but because I hate London with a passion... it's so busy and smelly.

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 748

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I'm looking forward to meeting you Venus

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 749

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Venus, I'll meet you at Richmond, or Waterloo if necessary. You say where. smiley - ok

RF, Re: CD/Cassette system. Happy to leave it at my place. For contact mobile #, send e-mail to [email protected] (include Kew in Subject).

The objective is to meet at Richmond Station, get smiley - bus to Kew and (free) entry, then possibly land-smiley - bus (£1:00) around Kew, and trip around Greenhouses to look at Chihuly exhibition. Back to mine for hot meal and mulled smiley - redwine then train to Waterloo and on to the Olde London. Don't forget there is no Underground service westbound from Earl's Court.

look forward to seeing you all.

BTW, the Kew afternoon is open to anyone. smiley - cheers

smiley - musicalnote

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 750

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Sorry EMMF, I will yikes your post to protect your email, in just a moment, but am posting your text again, with modified contact (replace _ and stuff with the usual symbols)
Venus, I'll meet you at Richmond, or Waterloo if necessary. You say where.

RF, Re: CD/Cassette system. Happy to leave it at my place. For contact mobile #, send e-mail to nealrollason_at_waitrose_dot_com (include Kew in Subject).

The objective is to meet at Richmond Station, get to Kew and (free) entry, then possibly land- (£1:00) around Kew, and trip around Greenhouses to look at Chihuly exhibition. Back to mine for hot meal and mulled then train to Waterloo and on to the Olde London. Don't forget there is no Underground service westbound from Earl's Court.

look forward to seeing you all.

BTW, the Kew afternoon is open to anyone.

smiley - towel

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 751

Milla, h2g2 Operations

That was my first attempt at yikesing - sorry for the interruption. So far the post is still there... Perhaps you can have the email addy removed yourself?

smiley - towel

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 752

You can call me TC


Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 753

Milla, h2g2 Operations

This is strange... Can everyone see Eccentric Mazing mad fiddlers post or am only I strange? How long before something disappears? I'm really sorry to be such a flooding, yikesing nuisance, but spambots are no fun either. smiley - sadface

smiley - towel

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 754

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I can see it too!

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 755

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I give up. I tried twice. If anyone else thinks publishing email is a bad idea, then you can try to remove it... smiley - blue

smiley - towel

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 756

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

There's no point in trying, somebody posting their own e-mail address isn't against the House Rules.

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 757

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

MMF I may join you at Kew if Excelsior bails out due to finantial commentments.

If I do come on my own I'll be coming by train, so if anyone needs meeting at Waterloo I'll do it, but it's all in the air ATM

MMF can you give me a link to the Kew Meet Page if their is one please

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 758


Some of us are going straight to the pub (me,2legs,roymondo and creachy at the mo) and will be meeting at kings cross station about 330 if anyone wants to join us.

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 759

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Reefgirl, you are more than welcome. The link is 7167224. A free pass is available.

Milla, appreciate the concern smiley - ta, and don't mind a bit if it is yikesed or not. As I delete so much spam at the moment, a bit more won't hurt. smiley - rofl

smiley - cheers

smiley - musicalnote

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 760

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Cheers MMF btw Excelsior is still dithering I'll have to let you know nearer the time

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