A Conversation for H2G2 London winter meet; Saturday 14 January 2006

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 681

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oh Baby!! smiley - cuddlesmiley - cry

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 682

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Serephina, shall drop you an e-mail re: Kew probably over the weekend. Depends when I am free. I have that whole week free, so can do anything really. Definitely do a pre-Kew-Meet run, just to check times etc.

Have a good weekend, and I'll drop by soon...

smiley - musicalnote

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 683


Hiya Fiddler, I think I'll be giving kew a miss after all smiley - ok gonna head straight to the pub with 2legs to see some people before te rush smiley - stiffdrink

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 684

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Oi oi! Flowers/pub, flowers/pub, flowers/pub. Hmmm.

I'd have thought it was a no brainer.smiley - drunksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

(not that I've anything against flowers).

So Serephina, are you going to be at Kings X for the 'Nighthoover'smiley - grovelsmiley - zen announcement?

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 685


I'll be there about 330, platform 10 as per usual smiley - ok

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 686

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Excellent. I'm still worried that The House Of CUP might be more than Skankyrich & (smiley - erm, I forgot who the other peep is) can handle. Genuinely. Especially with 2legs here.

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 687

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hoi!!!! Roymondo!! What's wrong with Flowers? I agree that it was brewed by Whitbread, but it was one of their better smiley - ales.

No worries serephina. Just couldn't face 12 hours+ of . Especially as I am chaperoneing someone to the station. Rather be the Chaperoner than the Chaperonee... I've tackled the Underground's Escalators under the influence too many times. B*gg*rs up the knees. Those teeth are sharp... smiley - rofl

Shall see you all on the 14th and maybe bring some Triffids with us smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

smiley - musicalnote

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 688

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Triffids? Triffic!

(no point in that whatsoever but once it was in my head I had to post it)

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 689

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Roymondo, shouldn't you be doing something.... like.... useful????

It's *xc*ssm*s smiley - xmastree eve and you are sat in front of a computer smiley - wah??? Shouldn't you be ensuring that a bar, somewhere, won't fall down, by you leaning on it?

Right at this moment, I could just go to smiley - zzz sleep for the next two days. I'm kn*ck*r*d.

Have a good smiley - stiffdrink and a and...... exhale.

smiley - laugh

smiley - musicalnote

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 690

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I have a bottle of JD, a (very) recently increased overdraft (recently as in ten minutes ago) and am watching BTTF *again*. I really should be getting my act together. I shouldn't deny Fannit my debauched presence. Fannit needs debauchery.

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 691

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

>>Fannit needs debauchery<<

Preferably dropped from 50,000' with an armed nuclear WMD attached to it.... smiley - rofl Either that or re-flood the Wantsum and turn Fannit back into an island. Could get those 'illegal immigrants' to build a special bridge across, like that at Kwai, with a checkpoint on it.

Enjoy. smiley - cheers

smiley - musicalnote

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 692

Thatprat - With a new head/wall interface mechanism

I'm gonna have to change from the "planning to turn up without letting anyone know" list to the "not this time" one. smiley - wah

Bl**dy credit card company smiley - grr ringing me up to demand an extra 200 quid just 'cos I've killed the limit. If you don't want me to spend your money, don't give it to me in time for Crimbo. Bleh!

Should make it in time for the next one. smiley - brave

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 693

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Nighthoover announcement?

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 694

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

I respectfuly withdraw my Yes to coming, due to other pending engagements.

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 695


I'm still on the 'extremely paranoidly neurotically nervous, but still praying for spiritual, or at the very least a good red smiley - winkeye, list'!

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 696

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

I had to make a decision smiley - sadface Indi rev England Tour in April (Ill keep yall posted) or Meet, unfortunately the chance to make money came first lol sorry all.

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 697


I must drop out (SHAME!) as my beloved returns from his home country that day and I can't wait to spend some time with him.

I know - Bah Humbug.

Nevertheless - all the love to those who are going.

May HooToo go from strength to strength thru 2006.

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 698

aka Bel - A87832164

red- look at all the people who jump on - or is it rather off-the bandwaggon now - that means you MUST go smiley - doh

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 699


smiley - laugh

they seem to be jumping on the bandwagon of 'not coming', with one entirely reasonabale excuse after another......so if I don't come I'll certainly need to get my thinking cap on.....

Actually it's really weird, when I think about the 'meet' a.m. I think, 'Oh no, it's too scary'. But if I think about it p.m. I get quite excited.

smiley - ermsmiley - biggrinsmiley - ermsmiley - biggrinsmiley - erm...............

Sign me up to the London Winter Meet!

Post 700


you will be fine honest! we were all scared first time but everyones ok smiley - stiffdrink and you'll soon settle in

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