Spot the Researcher
Created | Updated Dec 19, 2009

This is a little word puzzle to help while away those long December nights. There are no prizes, but the answers will be posted at a later date.
When I first joined h2g2 I used to compile a regular quiz where people had to find words hidden within other, longer words. It might be the names of fruit and vegetables hidden within book titles, or birds hidden within songs, or whatever. I still compile the odd puzzle and post them on my h2g2 journal. Anyway, this is a h2g2-themed version which you might like to have a go at.
In this puzzle, you need to spot the names of h2g2 researchers hidden within the titles of h2g2 Edited Guide Entries. The length of the hidden name is shown in brackets, so, for example, if the title of the entry was...
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...then the hidden researcher would be "Icy North". The letters appear in order within the title:
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Before You Start
There are 30 researchers to find. I've chosen well-known, well-established names as far as possible. I haven't included all the additional gubbins that people add to their name tags from time to time ('Keeper of the mystic hamster cage', etc). I've also ignored spaces, capitalisation and punctuation. One name uses one or more digits from the title. You may find additional researchers that I hadn't spotted. Award yourself bonus points if you do!
That's about it. What are you waiting for? Off you go!
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