A Conversation for The Battle of the Gods


Post 401



mad, you're all mad!

*CCC glances at Agent in his mud pit and lasoos Deakie and slings her in there too*


Post 402

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

smiley - bigeyes *puts on a cheerleading costume*

Go Deakie, Go Deakie! Yeah!!


Post 403

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

*Deakie grabs hold of the lasso round her and hauls CCC into the mudpit too. Slams his chromecovered head into the mud and holds it there for 10 minutes. Then she shoogles him some more, just for funsmiley - evilgrin*


Post 404


shoogles! that just sounds rude! best hope the duck doesn't find out or you'll be in trouble!

nice pom poms, Ferret! for a mortal smiley - winkeye

*CCC stands up in the mud and the mud drips off his chrome covered body. CCC levitates above the mudpit and moves away, back to the ring o ancient stones. the mud pit rises, with Deakie and Agent both still splashing around. the mud forms a mud monster that has Agent in one hand and Deakie in the other. He draws them close to his giant mud mouth*


Post 405

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

... Give us a D, Give us an E...

Mortal?!? I'm the God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon.

*throws a flaming PomPom at CCC*


Post 406


Mud? Mud? You're having a laugh, aintcha!

*Causes the mud smiley - monster to dispel with a wave of his hand*

*smiley - magics up a giant magnet to which C finds himself rushing rapidly*


Post 407

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

*leaves the boys to play in the mud by themselves, smiley - magics herself clean and grabs a lift in a passing smiley - ufo so that she can watch the battle in comfortable and clean surroundings*


Post 408


*CCC ducks the flaming pom poms, and smiley - magics away the giant magnet. He stops midair and watches Deakie catch a lift with Dave the smiley - martiansmile*

Ferret, my apologies!

Agent, you'll have to do better than that bucko!

Deakie, careful about Dave, he's only after one thing! world domination!

*CCC again brings the clouds and rain, and its stuck by lightening. He sails down to the battlefield shining blue, electricity coursing across his metal body and he strikes Agent, frying him and giving him the comedy "electric shock" hair cut*


Post 409


*Agent smoothes his hair, dons a 70's disco suit and challenges C to a dance off*

(much like he did to somebody at a wedding last week, much to his g/f's embarrassment)


Post 410

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Boyfriends, husbands and fathers should NEVER dance!!! it is the law that must not be broken, even by a god!

*makes a note that should Agent's g/f ever show up here, the poor girl may need counselling and several smiley - stiffdrinks*


Post 411

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

*changes out of Cheerleading uniform, and sits back on the rock*


Post 412


*smiley - magics a dancing suit and struts his funky stuff, spinning on his head, doing the splits all that malarkey. the music stops CCC stands back and fold his arms.*



Post 413

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Oh dear! *shakes head sadly*


Post 414


*Agent calls on his homey sheep to do beatbox sounds while he body pops*

Nuff respect smiley - ok


Post 415

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Oh dear! *shakes head sadly!*


Post 416


body pops, eh? i have that beat!

*does the macarayna*


Post 417

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

*erects a fence around Stonehenge to keep out curious tourists and the odd druid priest*

*makes a sign saying "DANGER - KEEP OUT - BAD DANCING AHEAD"*

*hangs sign on fence and turns her back to the evil spectacle that is the boys' dance-off*smiley - evilgrin


Post 418


aaaaaaaaaayyyyy macarayna! aieee!


Post 419


*smiley - magics up the two old blokes who did that song to distract CCC whilst summoning energy from the air around him to unleash a devastating attack*


Post 420


finally, they appear!

*CCC whips out his flaming sword and beheads them both in one quick blow!*

so i won the dance off right?

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