A Conversation for Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

Private thread for the Ship's Cat

Post 21

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - smiley

did i remember to thank you profusely for putting this on?

Private thread for the Ship's Cat

Post 22

Garius Lupus

You might have, but I don't remember. You're welcome. I'm enjoying it a lot too. smiley - biggrin

Private thread for the Ship's Cat

Post 23

soeasilyamused, or sea

good to hear!

i'm starting a "Cat's Log" in here, just so you know. smiley - smiley (why do people laugh when i say that?! smiley - winkeye)

Cat's Log, Stardate 6-9-42-28-2000

Post 24

soeasilyamused, or sea

well, last night i had a long conversation with Lorenzen, and my curiousity is peaked. he claims to be trying to prevent something bad from happening aboard the Mary Celeste, but if he is, why was he so angry when i mentioned that sarah threw her pendant overboard? hmm.

so the stowaway came from another time. well, that explains that odd surge of energy i noticed just before she appeared, as well as explaining where she came from.

gillings is an adventurer-type guy... NOW i understand the casting choice, GL. smiley - tongueout so what is this cross he's looking for? lorenzen hasn't seen it, lizzie hasn't seen it, i haven't seen it...

i still have to find martens. that man is never around... it's hard enough for me to find people when all the doors are shut!

i'd also like to talk to the cook and sarah briggs. i think i shall avoid volkert; after the rat incident i'm not too keen on being alone with him. what WAS the deal with that?! i don't even care to speculate. but it IS curious... i hesitate to speak with richardson after my conversation with lorenzen; if HE'S afraid of richardson, i think i should be as well. i shall watch him, though.

i wonder what will happen when lizzie, sarah, and i go to visit gillings tonight.

Cat's Log, Stardate 9-5-42-28-2000

Post 25

soeasilyamused, or sea

now what is this that lizzie's talking about with the cook?! her mother's necklace? is the cook looking for it too?

Cat's Log, Stardate 9-5-42-28-2000

Post 26

Garius Lupus

These logs are great! smiley - biggrin

Arl is doing one too and it's a lot of fun to hear what you are thinking. Thanks.

Cat's Log, Stardate 9-5-42-28-2000

Post 27

soeasilyamused, or sea

de nada. my pleasure. smiley - biggrin

oh, and the best part about being the cat is seeing people post smiley - bigeyes when i talk for the first time. smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

Cat's Log, Stardate 12-1-42-28-2000

Post 28

soeasilyamused, or sea

i find it rather suspicious that lizzie would be having such a serious conversation with the cook and then suddenly run out with me in her arms. what doesn't she want me to know? is she hiding something from me?

i must make a better effort to watch the cook.

Cat's Log, Stardate 3-1-42-28-2000

Post 29

soeasilyamused, or sea

----OLD LOG----

volkert ate my RAT! what is wrong with him?! i mean, /i/ wasn't about to eat it myself, but HONESTLY!

i will DEFINITELY be staying away from him.

Cat's Log, Stardate 15-1-42-28-2000

Post 30

soeasilyamused, or sea

private conversation between gillings and lorenzen?

take the cat with you, take the cat with you!!!!!

Private thread for the Ship's Cat

Post 31

soeasilyamused, or sea

the cat is eavesdropping on the private conversation between gillings and lorenzen, starting at post #3... just FYI smiley - smiley she'll probably be thrown out shortly

Cat's Log, Stardate 17-1-42-28-2000

Post 32

soeasilyamused, or sea

now how on earth did sarah figure out what i am if she wasn't talking to anyone?

she must have some sort of special ability. /interesting/... i'd really like to know what it is.

Cat's Log, Stardate 17-1-42-28-2000

Post 33

soeasilyamused, or sea

......a /breed/ of cat? hmm...

Private thread for the Ship's Cat

Post 34

soeasilyamused, or sea

eavesdropping on private conversation in captain's cabin, starting at post #49

Private thread for the Ship's Cat

Post 35

Garius Lupus

gotcha smiley - winkeye

(I thought you were in the room from the beginning, though)

Private thread for the Ship's Cat

Post 36

Garius Lupus

Yup, just checked and you were in the room from the beginning. There's no way the conversation could have been private from you. Go ahead and read it all. smiley - biggrin

smiley - santa Merry Chrismas!

Private thread for the Ship's Cat

Post 37

soeasilyamused, or sea

*hadn't seen last post*

goody! woo hoo!

now eavesdropping on conversation between arl & jade behind forcastle... smiley - smiley

it's good to be the cat... smiley - winkeye

Private thread for the Ship's Cat

Post 38

soeasilyamused, or sea

done eavesdropping. heard more than enough. smiley - smiley

Cat's Log, Stardate 1-2-42-28-2000

Post 39

soeasilyamused, or sea

*lights fade up on sea, the ship's cat, sitting behind a huge mahogany desk. to her right and left are massive piles of mail. she smiles*

[sea] hello and welcome to this special edition of the Cat's Log. today i will be answering a few letters from fans of the new hit roleplay: The Final Voyage of the Mary Celeste.

*sea picks up a letter and opens it*

[sea] ah, here's one from Little Susie in Nowheresville, Oklahoma. Little Susie writes, "Dear Sea, How does the cat feel about the other characters aboard the Mary Celeste?"

*sea puts down the letter*

[sea] well, that's a very good question, Little Susie. I'll answer it with this large, overly elaborate diagram:

*sea pulls out several pie charts, a telescope, Deep Thought, and a slide rule, then sighs*

[sea] or not. maybe i'll just use the sign.

*sea pulls out a large sign and points to various parts with a yardstick*

"Volkert = Evil. Bad. Scary." he beat me with a broom and took my rat! come on! people don't eat rats!!!!!!

"Gillings = Suspicious." i think he's as suspicious of me as i am of him. and i SAW him breaking into people's sea chests. makes me glad i'm a cat and therefore don't have any personal belongings. and i think he knows i can talk!

"Lorenzen = Ally" i think he's trustworthy. i could be wrong, though. he wanted sarah's pendant very badly...

"Goodschad = ..." i'm not too sure about him. although if sarah trusts him, then i'm inclined to do so as well.

"Lizzie = Friend" she pets me. that's the best way to get to a cat's heart. and she confided her secrets in me!

"Sarah = Friend" she scratches me behind the ears. *drool* and she knows i am an android... but she thinks that "android" is a breed of cat! i still don't know what happened to her pendant. something has it...

"Martens = ???" i still need to go and speak with him.

"Richardson = Suspicious" i don't trust him. i'm not too sure why, though.

"Cook Head = Tentative Ally" i'm not too sure about his motives yet. but he gives me fish heads, so he's okay in my book.

"Captain Briggs = Oblivious" i wonder how much he knows about the strange things that go on with his crew.

"Uli = Suspicious" no ordinary woman could have made it all the way to the mary celeste in that canoe. and she turned into a polar bear, for pete's sake!

"Dr Rangel = Suspicious" less so than some of the others, because i've eavesdropped on some of her conversations with lorenzen, but i still don't quite trust her.

"Ghost = ?" i can't hear him or see him, but it's pretty odd to see objects floating about.

*sea puts the sign away and smiles*

[sea] well, that's it for this edition of the Cat's Log. tune in next time, same cat time, same cat channel!

*sea waves goodbye as the lights fade to black*

Cat's Log, Stardate 1-2-42-28-2000

Post 40

Garius Lupus

smiley - applausesmiley - biggrin

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