A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 401

Otus Nycteus

* Eli notices Frankie's odd behaviour and, after finishing a particularly empty section, walks over to her. *

What have you got there, old girl? An old shoe?

* He rubs her head and gently wrestles it from her mouth. *

Just a moment, sweetie. If it's nothing, you'll have it back in a minute.

* He raises his voice a little. *

Kyra? Can you come over here for a moment?

* He continues to distract Frankie from the old shoe by letting her play with his free hand. *

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 402


*Kyra heads to Eli when he calls*

Yo, found something?

*She sees the shoe and knows what he wants to ask*

They were both barefoot. It could have been one of theirs, or not, I don't know. Paul might.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 403

Otus Nycteus

* Eli nods. *

So it's not one of the raiders'?

* He gets at dog treat from his pocket and gives it to Frankie. *

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 404


*Kyra shakes her head*

No, they were all much older than me.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 405

Otus Nycteus

* Eli nods again and turns to Frankie. *

Where did you find it, old girl?

* He lets her sniff the shoe for a moment, taking it out of reach before she can start chewing on it again. *


* Frankie wags her tail and takes off at a trot. Eli glances at Kyra and follows the poodle. *

@ Observant readers may remember that Frankie was trained using Romulan commands - so Eli's telling her to seek.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 406


*Kyra grins as they follow the dog*

Soft, cuddly, and useful as more than a garbage disposal, who'd've thunk it </>

*Frankie wanders around for a while, making Kyra wonder if she's just following an imaginary squirrel, when they come across an old ragdoll inside an upturned crate. Kyra stops Frankie from claiming the doll as her own, and picks it up. She looks under the dress and finds a tag with a childish and shaky 'gEOgiA' written on it. She passes it wordlessly to Eli and kneels down*

They must've hid here, when they came. But the raiders came down here, looking for the technology. I guess one of the girls must have made a noise.

*She reaches into the crate and pulls another shoe out, a match to the one Frankie found, then sits heavily. She suddenly finds it all too easy to imagine what happened*

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 407

Otus Nycteus

* Eli nods slowly, taking the doll from Kyra. He crouches down next to Frankie, rubbing her head. *

Well done, old girl. </>

* He fishes another treat out of his pocket and gives it to her. Frankie wags her tail and starts crunching. *

* He sits down next to Kyra, putting the doll and the two shoes aside - out of Frankie's reach - and wordlessly lays his arm around her shoulders. *

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 408


*Kyra leans back into Eli*


*She smiles sadly*

I must sound like a broken record. I just keep thinking of how young they were. If they hadn't cried, their whole lives would have been different.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 409

Otus Nycteus

* Eli nods slowly and tightens his one-armed hug for a moment. *

I know. Try not to dwell on it too much. </>

* After a little while he lets go of Kyra. *

Let's call it a day. </>

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 410


*Kyra nods and gets up*

Good idea.

*She offers Eli a hand*

I'll make dinner tonight.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 411

Otus Nycteus

* Eli gets up and picks up the shoes and the doll again. He gives Kyra a faint smile. *

That's fine by me. Thanks.

* He calls Frankie and the three of them head back to the tardis. *

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 412


*Kyra makes a vegetable risotto with garlic bread and wine, and they spend a quiet and calming evening together, watching Frankie play with one of Kyra's socks*

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 413


*After Eli goes to bed, Kyra stays up, thinking. Frankie eventually leaves Kyra to go to sleep on Eli's bed, and Kyra sits up, looking at the shoes and doll and thinking*

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 414

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul softly knocks at the door to Kyra's room*


Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 415


*Kyra looks up, without getting up*


Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 416

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul slowly opens the door and sticks his head in*

Can I come in? I'd like to know what you and Eli found yesterday.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 417


*Kyra nods*

C'mon in.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 418

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul enters, he's still in his pyjama*

How are you?

*he sits down at the edge of Kyra's bed and looks at the things she has with her, frowning slightly*

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 419


*Kyra passes Paul the small pair of shoes she and Eli had found, but doesn't say anything*

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 420

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul takes the shoes and looks at them. Then shakes his head*

You found them in cargo bay?

*he turns away and looks at the doll instead. He swallows*

And... her?

*he stares at the toy*

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