A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 841

Otus Nycteus

* Lucy smiles at Kyra. *

So now you're a dog handler too? You should go on a holiday more often; they seem to bring out your hidden talents.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 842


*Kyra laughs*

I doubt the skill of dancing with a dog is one I'll ever need again. Besides, Frankie's different.

You okay? </>

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 843

Otus Nycteus

* Lucy chuckles. *

You never know.

* She simply nods in reply to Kyra's question. *

Don't worry about it. </>

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 844


*Kyra nods, but she does, of course, worry. She doesn't let Lucy know, though. Some after-dinner chocolates come around and Kyra helps herself to a couple, and turns the conversation back to Frankie, and a deliberately silly thought*

Maybe there's a dog planet somewhere.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 845

Otus Nycteus

* Lucy and Eli laugh, and Lucy replies: *

Who knows?
I was thinking more along the lines of circus performers. </>

* Eli nods. *

You never know what kind of cover you need. </>
A dog planet? At least we won't have to worry about Schrödinger stowing away then.

* Lucy chuckles. *

Or perhaps you should.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 846


*Kyra grins*

You serious? That would be cool. Have you done anything like that?

*She keeps her voice down but the others have moved onto the dancefloor anyway*

I wouldn't put it past that cat to cause an interplanetary incident.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 847

Otus Nycteus

* Eli smiles knowingly but doesn't answer. *

* Lucy is about to take another sip of wine, but can't because she has to chuckle. *

Yeah, he's quite a cat. I hope he'll be alright.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 848


*Kyra looks at Eli reproachfully, but with laughter in her eyes*

I'm gonna get you to tell me something one of these days.

*She grins at Lucy*

A cat like that has ninety lives. He'll be fine.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 849

Otus Nycteus

* Eli smiles and gives Kyra a wink. *

* Lucy nods, still a little worried. *

Maybe, but he must've used up quite a few in that catnip field. The poor thing was completely spaced out: limp, drooling and, according to Tavaron, thinking about potatoes, of all things.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 850


*Kyra smiles wryly*

He'll have one hell of a headache.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 851

Otus Nycteus

* Lucy is about to answer when the song ends. Tavaron, who was dancing with Paul, looks at her chronometer and announces it's time to leave. The others exchange glances and nod. *

* Malaba, the only one apart from Eli, Lucy and Kyra who was still sitting at the table - having no-one to dance with - looks up with what to Eli seems a smile of relief on her face. She gets up and is about to start collecting the empty dishes when Tavaron stops her and explains that everything connected with the tardis - from the boat and the pavillion to the table and its contents - will reintegrate with it when it leaves. So, the holiday makers leave the table as it is and, after a last look at the beautiful environment, head back to the tardis, with Paul and Kyra calling Senta and Frankie respectively. *

* In the tardis, Tavaron checks on Schrödinger and makes sure maître Escoffier and Charles are on board as well. She then returns to her guests to see if everyone is present and strapped in before disappearing into the control room. *

* Outside, the bird that was caught by Schrödinger a couple of days ago hears a weird noise. It casts its piercing glance in the direction of the sound and sees the collection of strange objects that appeared some time ago out of thin air grow transparent and disappear. When the noise has died down, the only thing left to indicate the presence of alien visitors are several sets of footprints in the sand. *

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