A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Tavaron nods and smiles back at Malaba*
I'm sure you'll get one at supply. And if I can think of anything else you could need I'll let you know.
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Otus Nycteus Posted Feb 1, 2006
* Eli looks up from his board computer. *
I just need to change the transponde code. It's the only thing identifying the shuttle as a diplomatic vessel. Fortunately this model is quite popular among the nouveau riche, too, so it won't stand out too much.
* A message arrives at the console. Eli looks at it and smiles. *
Right on time. That's *my* cover taken care off. I've just been called away for a mediation job.
* He winks at Kyra and continues his work. About twenty minutes later, he looks up, smiling. *
I think that should do it. One more systems check, and we'll be off. That won't take long, so you'd better strap in.
* He performs the check and nods, satisfied. *
Ready? Then let's go.
* The shuttle takes off and, once out of the atmosphere, sets course for Rigel VI. *
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Malaba stands next to Trooper's hindquarters, facing away from his head, and catches his tail in one hand to pick the burrs out*
Yes, miss, thank you. What about cooking?
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Tavaron looks a bit unsure*
Well, I can't cook and I don't think Paul can cook much either. But we should be able to get something at the campgrouns. It's all starfleet so we don't have to pay. At least not you and Paul.
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Malaba inspects the tail closely before dropping it, not wanting to annoy the captain by forcing him to buy a round of drinks*
I can cook a bit, miss, enough to get by. But I meant do we need food, a cooker, pots and pans, things like that?
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Tavaron smiles and nods*
Oh, if you would like to cook, that would be nice. I'll get everything... or would you rather likt to get it yourself? I'm sure they have all that at supply.
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Malaba grins at Tavaron before bending down to pick Trooper's hoof*
Yes, miss - I'll start making a list. We'll also need a dishpan and brush and oh, dishes, of course, and extra fuel - I think I'd better just ask Supply for a list, or a standard kit, I'm sure they have one.
*Starting on the near foreleg, she runs a hand down the horse's cannon to the hoof, which she takes in her hand by the horn only to avoid tickling him, then says "Foot" firmly while leaning against his shoulder with her own. When he raises his hoof, she lays it on her knee, holding it with her left hand, and starts cleaning it with the hoofpick*
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Kyra Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Kyra gets up and stretches, and pulls the bag from under the seat. She goes into the back of the small shuttle to get changed and comes out wearing her 'day-clothes'*
*She puts her Starfleet clothes in a cupboard after moving her knife into her boot, and leaves all the jewellery off for now, except for Tavaron's amulet*
*She undoes her hair and then goes to rejoin Eli in the front*
*She sits down in her seat and relaxes, feeling happier in her old clothes*
When we get there, we should go to an old tavern I know. It's under the radar and as long as you pay, they'll keep their mouths shut. And it's reasonably safe from burglary. They're fairly security-conscious, as many of the patrons are high-up on the food chain.
So, who exactly are you meant to be?
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Jamie and Morgan swim for awhile in the bracingly cold pool beneath the waterfall*
*After awhile, they climb out of the water, and lie on rocks in the sun to dry off, feeling drowsy, and a little like basking seals*
*The drying accomplished, they pull their clothes back on, and start to go, when Jamie notices something near the falls*
Look. It's a cave. Wonder what's in there?
*Morgan goes to the entrance and peeks in*
It looks large enough. Let's take a look inside.
*So - leaving their picnic basket outside - the two of them clasp hands and climb through the narrow entrance of the cave, arriving in a large room about 50' high*
*The cave appears to go on for awhile, so they go exploring*
*The light from the cave reaches in for a space, but then the cave becomes pitch dark ahead*
*Morgan is disappointed*
Oh - I haven't any candles with me.
*But Jamie notices a lantern on a rock ledge, and picks it up - it contains a candle*
*Jamie reaches into his jacket pocket and brings out the lighter the Captain had given him on Ikea, and lights the candle*
*Holding the lantern up, Jamie walks with Morgan into the cave - which is not terribly deep, but is large - with ceilings as high as 80'*
*They hear the sound of bats echoing from the cave walls*
*Morgan laughs softly*
We won't bother you, mousie.
*Jamie hugs Morgan to himself, and they walk on*
*Then they come to the end of the cave - and look up in astonishment at the sight provided by Jamie's lantern*
*There - *inside* the cave - is a 30' waterfall*
*Jamie holds the lantern up as they stare in wonder, exhilarated by the aeration of the water inside the cave*
*Jamie murmurs*
'Truth is a tiny virgin with a lantern going through the careless night. Look up, and see how bright.'</>@
@(c)Dmitri Gheorgheni.
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Tavaron grins, too*
Good, I'm sure they'll have everything you need. I'll leave cooking things to you, then.
If you need anything else let me know, please. You can also come to me any time. I've got guest quarters on A deck.
*she thinks about wether she has forgotten anything*
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Malaba has moved on to the more difficult rear hoof, pulling it back and aside so the fidgety horse can't kick her without warning*
Yes, miss. But I think I can handle it.
*She puts down the last hoof and pats the horse on the rump, then unties him to lead him back, turning him around first to face Tavaron as they finish talking*
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Tavaron nods*
Good, then have a nice evening, Malaba. And good luck with riding your horse. I'll see you soon.
*she waves and then leaves the stable*
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Otus Nycteus Posted Feb 1, 2006
* Eli looks at her and grins. *
Leather *is* the fabric of choice on your world, isn't it?
* He thinks for a moment. *
Your tavern it is. We'll take one room, for obvious reasons.
My name will be Eli Porter, a merchant with a shady past and more money than scruples. No permanent base of operations, but a vast network of contacts. We met on Ikea and became lovers. I agreed to help you escape, and in turn you would be my bodyguard for my business on Rigel VI. My business being anything that's profitable and not exactly legal, of which you would of course get a substantial cut.
How does that sound to you?
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Malaba waves after Tavaron, then leads Trooper back to the pasture and releases him*
*Catching Gullintoppur is not difficult, as he comes running as soon as he is called. She takes him back to the stableyard and grooms him quickly, concentrating mainly on the areas where the tack will be and his hooves, then saddles him up neatly and bandages his legs in preparation for the upcoming training, then ties him to the rail again while she fetches her helmet and a pair of leather gloves*
*She returns and bridles the horse, then leads him around the stableyard until Hagman appears, relaxed and calm as always, wearing gloves of his own and carrying a lunge and whip*
*They go to the big riding ring, as the sand there is softer than the stableyard, there is a rail to keep the horse contained if need be, and they are less likely to be interrupted*
*Nosey is left outside the gate with the whip and lunge, which they do have the forethought to place out of his reach*
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Kyra Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Kyra stretches and grins*
Sounds good. Should be an interesting time.
I can talk to my contacts, try to get you in touch with Rocher. What do you have to offer him?
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Tavaron takes the lift up to the arboretum to go for a walk.*
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Emerging from the cave - and leaving the lantern behind - Jamie and Morgan pick up their basket and go arm in arm down the path, taking the fork away from their cabin, and walking until they come to a clearing - actually, an old field*
*There they see an old cabin, which has collapsed from age*
*Across the clearing, obviously the garden of the old home place, are dotted bushes, which are bright with blackberries and abuzz with late-afternoon June bugs*
*Morgan grins*
Whoever built this, left everyone a good crop of blackberries.
*They pick some of the berries, filling their basket*
*As they pick, the motion causes the June bugs to rise from their perches like tiny, angry helicopters - but they're harmless*
*Jamie laughs*
You know, I knew someone in NATO who told me about these bugs. When they were children, he said, they'd catch them and tie a string around them for a toy. They'd follow them where they flew, for hours.
*Morgan laughs*
And chase their sisters with them, no doubt.
*Jamie grins*
*Their basket full, they turn and give a blessing to the old spot, before turning back on the path toward their cabin*
'May the warm winds of Heaven blow softly on your home,
And the Great Spirit bless all who enter there.'</>
*As they head back, Jamie thinks*
For somewhere, surely, you have a home.</>
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Malaba leads Gullintoppur into the middle of the ring, then holds him still as Hagman first leans on the saddle, then lays his torso over it to put weight on it - his size relative to the small horse helps*
*Since Gull stays calm, they quickly move on to the next step - Hagman adjusts the stirrups as long as they will go, then mounts from the mounting block, as the horse will need time to get accustomed to the one-sided pressure on his back when the stirrups are used for the purpose*
*He settles gently into the saddle and takes up the stirrups*
*Gullintoppur once more shows that he is a brave, but curious horse - rather than trying to run or buck, he starts twisting in a narrow circle, trying to see what's on his back*
*Malaba surpresses a giggle, a task made even harder by the fact that Hagman's feet dangle so far below the horse's belly that she imagines he could wrap the ankles around eachother to stay on, and energetically leads the horse forward, distracting him from his attempts to look back by moving the bit in his mouth*
Beta rpg, Book the Third
elekragheorgheni Posted Feb 1, 2006
*Sharpe sees the message from Eli and grins*
*Types out on the console encrypted*
Not a particulary handsome apology, but at least a tad less arrogant than before. Some Diplomat. That attitude should impress them on Rigel VI. He'll find out, won't he.</>
To: Eli Charognard
From: Captain Richard Sharpe CSS Mariposa
Thanks for the apology. Good luck on the mission. Hope all goes well for you. I will convey your sentiments to Lt. Commander Lee as well.
Richard Sharpe, Captain CSS Mariposa
Beta rpg, Book the Third
Otus Nycteus Posted Feb 1, 2006
* Eli gives her an inquiring look, but doesn't speak his mind - yet. *
Trade. Contacts. New routes to buy and sell merchandise. With good profit, of course.
* He activates the autopilot, gets up and opens his suitcase. He takes out the phaser Lee sent him, the energy cells and a necklace. *
Here's your phaser and some spare energy cells. And wear that necklace. It contains a locator beacon. It's untraceable as long as it's not activated. You activate it by turning the metal ring 180 degrees around the north-south axis.
* He demonstrates without actually turning the ring. *
But when you use it, the mission is basically over, because then the marines will come and get you out. So, use only as a last resort.
* He picks up the hemp-plastic bag. *
My turn to get changed.
Key: Complain about this post
Beta rpg, Book the Third
- 81: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 82: Otus Nycteus (Feb 1, 2006)
- 83: Malabarista - now with added pony (Feb 1, 2006)
- 84: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 85: Malabarista - now with added pony (Feb 1, 2006)
- 86: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 87: Malabarista - now with added pony (Feb 1, 2006)
- 88: Kyra (Feb 1, 2006)
- 89: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 90: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 91: Malabarista - now with added pony (Feb 1, 2006)
- 92: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 93: Otus Nycteus (Feb 1, 2006)
- 94: Malabarista - now with added pony (Feb 1, 2006)
- 95: Kyra (Feb 1, 2006)
- 96: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 97: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 1, 2006)
- 98: Malabarista - now with added pony (Feb 1, 2006)
- 99: elekragheorgheni (Feb 1, 2006)
- 100: Otus Nycteus (Feb 1, 2006)
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