A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Book the Third.

In the beginning, there was Alpha. And Alpha begat Beta. And Beta became the CSS Mariposa.

These are their voyages...follow them in pursuit of the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Or, alternatively, a really good time.

Where were we? Oh, yes...Rigel V and Rigel VI. What is Eli planning now?

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 2


*Kyra grins up at Quirinus and turns her attention back to Simon*

Stuff? Cool. What sort of stuff?

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Simon rolls his eyes, but doesn't dare do so *at* Kyra*

Y'know, things.

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 4


*Kyra grins*

Sounds exciting.

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 5

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Simon gives Kyra a very disdainful look*

's not.

*Quirinus quietly gets up, nods to the assembled company and gives Kyra a tiny smile, then picks up his pack and heads out wordlessly*

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 6


*Kyra smiles back at Quirinus and continues to eat her meal in silence*

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 7


*Sharpe looks at Eli*

You will be in charge of her as far as JAG is concerned, Ambassador. SHE does not have diplomatic immunity, Ambassador. If she kills or injures anyone there, she is responible. Make her aware of this Ambassador. YOU can not give her a license to kill. She is still a member of StarFleet.

*Commander Lee stared at the Ambassador.*

I reckon 20 marines will be enough for this wild goose chase, Mr Ambassador. Unless you allow me to tell all my men, they may find her
and arrest her before your plot develops. That will be your problem and hers.

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Quirinus returns to his suite and uses his new knowledge and a console to reset the access code so not even Sabian can get in - unless he uses an override, which would set off an alarm*

*He takes off his coat, hat, and boots and lies on the bed - just to think for a while, of course, not that he's tired*

*He's fast asleep even before he can work up a proper fit of lonesome melancholy*

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 9


*Kyra finishes her meal and helps Sophie clean up, then leaves the Larris rooms for a walk before bed. She is feeling pent-up and anxious about tomorrow*

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 10

Otus Nycteus

* Eli nods. *

I'll be sure to tell her, Captain, but there's also such a thing as self defence. Rigel VI is not exactly the English countryside.

Commander, the Lieutenant being chased by your marines will only add to the credibility of her cover. But I doubt they'll be able to catch her. No offence, but she's on home turf. Just make sure they don't accidently kill her, please.

A few more details. Both the Lieutenant and I will be wearing locators that we'll activate in case of an emergency. Unactivated, they should be undetectable by any means. If you get our signal on the usual StarFleet emergency frequency, you'll know what to do.

And the hotel bill for you and your team will be picked up by the DIA. Within reason, of course. Comfort is okay, opulent luxury isn't. Neither is, erm, 'redecorating' of rooms.

And you've voiced your concern that the Lieutenant will take the opportunity to *really* escape, Commander. I don't think she will, but it would be foolish not to plan for such an eventuality. If she does take a powder, you'll receive a message from either me or Lord Abergavenny with the code word 'dragnet' and further instructions.

Do you have any more questions or remarks for me?

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 11


*Sharpe says drily*

I don't. Remind her self-defense won't cover a high body count, Ambassador.

*Commander Lee asks*

Nevermind the hotel bills, Ambassador. Will the DIA pick up the tab for widows and orphans for 'collateral damage.'

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 12

Otus Nycteus

* Eli replies, coolly. *

You know what our objective is, Captain, and it's not committing mass murder. And as for that collateral damage, Commander, just keep your marines in hand and let me worry about Lieutenant Christopoulos. And would you please have that phaser and some extra energy cells sent to my quarters before tomorrow?

* He stands up. *

Thank you for your time, gentlemen, and your co-operation. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go looking for some clothes. Good evening. Sergeant.

* He nods at Sergeant Cooper and leaves. *

* In the hallway, he activates his comlink. *

Lieutenant Christopoulos, this is Eli Charognard.

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 13


*Kyra answers her com*

Evening, sir.

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 14

Otus Nycteus

* Eli greets her. *

Hello, Lieutenant. Meet me at Lost and Found, will you? I'll explain there.

* He deactivates his comlink and makes his way to the Lost and Found office, where he waits for Kyra. *

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 15


*Kyra makes her way to Lost and Found, whistling to herself in the empty corridor*


*She stops whistling before she gets where Eli is waiting for her*

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 16


*Sharpe looks at Lt Commander Lee*

The arrogance of that smegger - leaving the Captain of a StarFleet vessel like that. That man has no manners at all.

*Commander Lee chuckles*

A legend in his own mind, no doubt. Strange way to treat people who are supposed to be watching his back.

*He thinks*

And of course it's my marines who are going to be looking for Christopoulos...their favourite person.

*Sharpe and Lee grin at each other - a meeting of the minds*

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 17

Otus Nycteus

* Eli grins as she appears around the corner. *

Oh, don't stop whistling on my behalf.

According to the Captain, your belongings are supposed to be here. So, let's go see what kind of lost things we can find, shall we?

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 18


*Kyra raises her eyebrows*

They put my stuff in here? What if it's walked?

*She is indignant, more than a thief really has a right to be*

Oh well, if we're lucky, it's all still in the bag. It's a brown satchel, about yay big.

*She holds her hands a foot or so apart, but having very little sense of size, it could be considerably larger or smaller*

It's pretty old and battered.

*She enters the Lost and Found and starts searching. She resumes whistling, but more softly*

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 19

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

*Jamison Douglass heads along the corridor to the Captain's quarters - conspicuously *not* whistling, though in his head he is singing*

'Life was filled with guns and war, and everyone got trampled on the floor - I wish we'd all been ready...'</>

*He stops abruptly, wondering how the smeg that song - which he has always hated with a passion - got into his head*

*He shakes his head to clear it, and goes on*

*He reaches the Captain's quarters, and hits the announcer button*

Jamison reporting, sir.

Beta rpg, Book the Third

Post 20

Otus Nycteus

* Eli chuckles. *

Brown satchel, yay big. Old and battered. Yes, Ma'am.

* He starts looking around, too. *

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