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The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3361

Big Steve

*John turns to her.*

A little. I know she's annoyed you and she annoys me, intensly, but shes around us and unfortunatly we've got to put up with her, if only to change her opinions and stop her flapping mouth.

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3362

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla sighs*

.. I know you're right.. I'm sorry for going on about her, darling..

*She embraces him and they kiss, which makes Mary laugh some more*

*Richard sleeps on*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3363

Big Steve

*John and Layla hold each other while pushing the prams, they slowly round the lake while talking and occasionaly kissing. Working out how to change Hyacinth's views is taking some time and Snake and Sarah are about to wander over to the ranch for dinner.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3364

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Just as they were about to return to the house, Layla can see a vehicle trail in the distance*

... Oh John! I hope that isn't Snake and Sarah coming back!.. Not just yet!..

*As the vehicle draws closer along the driveway, they can see it is one of the official cars used by Star Fleet personnel*

*Layla sighs*.. I never thought I would actually be pleased to see a SMITH!!..

*She grins at John and they turn the prams to meet the vehicle*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3365

Big Steve

*John and Layla's saviour steps out of the car and is straight up into attention.*

Lt. Smith "Sir,Ma'am"

At ease. Good to see you soldier, Are you here to pick up the commanders wife.

Lt Smith "Sir, yes Sir."

Well she's inside and infuriating us so pop in the house and go get her before we return.*

Lt Smith "Sir, yes Sir."

*The very obidient Lt Smith runs in the house to fetch Hyacinth.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3366

Big Steve

*Hyacinth appears at the door serenly walking down the porch to Lt Smith's car.*

Hyacinth "I've tidied up a bit and cooked a few things for you and the children."

*John shuts the card door on her.*

Thank you Hyacinth.

*He shoots Layla a look*

I'm sure that will be lovely.

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3367

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla keeps herself occupied with the twins*

*For the first time, since she snubbed the Bey, Layla refuses to acknowledge her bosses wife*

*As they drive away, another vehicle can be seen coming down from the road*

... Looks like Snake and Sarah just about timed their return perfectly...

*She goes to John and wraps her arms about his waist*

.. Sorry for being so grumpy, darling...

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3368

Big Steve

Its ok. Hyacinth puts us all in a mood. Shall we see what damage Hyacinths done?

*The Lightfoots all traipse inside to a subtly different scene.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3369

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*kitchen utensils have been moved from one side to the other. The table pushed under the window.*

*lifting Richard from his pram, Layla walks through the house*

*Their favourite sofa has been moved to face the window, instead of the plasma screen, side tables moved accordingly too*

*Layla's favourite picture of John has been moved, replaced with one of the town's folk, she had never seen before. At the front is Kate O'Hara, with her arm linked through John's*

.... THAT WOMAN!! *Layla hisses between her teeth as she stomps upstairs to the nursery*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3370

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*John remains silent as he looks about his home*

*Awenasa tugs at his moustache for attention*

*Upstairs, Layla can still be heard muttering as she settles Richard for his afternoon nap*

*Snake and Sarah can feel the uncomfortable atmosphere as they enter the living room*

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