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The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3341

Big Steve

*John is tucking in and tasting the first meal he hasn't cooked himself in a while. It's suprisingly good.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3342

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*After eating her fill, Layla clears away the dirty dishes*

I'd better get showered and dressed, before we get any other visitors..

*She makes her way upstairs, leaving John to answer Hyacinths questions about visitors and to look after the twins.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3343

Big Steve

Well, we get lots of people just dropping by.

*John feeds himself another forkfull.*

This is really good, Hadn't realised you cooked Hyacinth?

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3344

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Hyacinth preened to the compliment*

H: "Thank you, Major!... I must admit, I had to learn some fancy cooking, Johnny was always coming across some ambassador or other and bringing them home from work! I never could work out how he could meet such important people!"

*shaking her head, Hyacinth begins to clean the twin's trays of dropped food*

*Richard tries to feed her*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3345

Big Steve

*John artfully pulls the offered paw away from Hyacinth into his mouth.*

That's very good, Richard.Now you eat some.

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3346

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*The twins jabber*

*Hyacinth and John are actually having a conversation*

*After showering and dressing in a casual skirt and sweater, Layla comes downstairs and joins them*

.. Have you heard anything from Delilah, Hyacinth? She hasn't been in touch since she went visiting at Christ Mass..

H: Oh! Haven't you heard dear? That Katie O'Hara is getting married! She's collared herself some one high up in Star Fleet.. a bit like you did dear.. Anyway!!!.. Delilah's been railroaded into making the all the wedding arrangements, seeing as Mr O'Hara isn't good at those sort of things..

*Hyacinth prattled on a while longer*

*Layla looks at John as the new of another Star Fleet marriage sinks in.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3347

Big Steve

*John thinks about who Katie could possibly have met to marry in Starfleet and comes up blank.*

I think I'll just go check on something with work.

*John stands up and heads for his study for reading of Starfleet missives.*

I wonder...

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3348

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Hyacinth still prattles on*

H: "Of course, you and the Major will receive your invitations shortly, Delilah will make sure of that.. I do hope Katie will behave herself, she can be quite, quite silly at times!.. yaddda yaddda yaddddddaaaa"

*Layla had stopped listening long ago.. Now she is worrying that John might be jealous*

After all.. Katie is a beautiful woman.. and tomorrow is always 'another day' to her </>

*Layla plays with the spoon in the sugar bowl.. the twins look on uncertain of the change of mood in the kitchen*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3349

Big Steve

*John scrolls his way through the general communiques and reams of electronic messages that Starfleet send out with gay abandon. He is cross-referencing Katie O'Hara and officers and has so far drawn a blank but for several stories we won't go into here. Ahem.*

Maybe that's it...No. umm..No. Maybeeee. Ah yes.

*John finds what he's after and saves it to a pad.He logs out and saunters back into the kitchen with a smile on his face. He slips Layla the pad while he sits down.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3350

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla looks at the pad*

*Bursts into laughter*

.. But he's not..!!... *John squeezes her knee, nodding in Hyacinth's direction*

*Layla grins and says no more about the name*

*The twins look at each other, then their parents and giggle*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3351

Big Steve

*John starts up*

Well, those two look like their about to cause some trouble.

*He gets up and moves across to pick up his son.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3352

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla glances out of the kitchen window at the glorious morning sunshine*

.. They are used to their walks with Sarah and Snake, they won't be back until late this afternoon..

H: "Oh!! Where have they gone? Do you think her father will consent to a marriage..after all, she is tainted goods!"

.. Hyacinth!! I will have no such nonsense talk in MY House!.... *furious, Layla picks up Mary and walks through to get the buggy from the utility room*

*John is left holding the baby*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3353

Big Steve

*John looks over to a shocked Hyacinth and raises his eyebrow.*

I'm not her fathers consent matters to them or anyone else, Hyacinth.

*He dresses up Richard in a warm coat and waits for Layla*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3354

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla brings the buggies through from the utility room. Mary is already in hers, wrapped up warm against the cold wind*

*Waiting for John on the verandah, she raps on the window for him to join her*

*She ignores Hyacinth completely*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3355

Big Steve

*John steps through the door and places the wrapped up Richard in the pram.*

You ready?

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3356

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


*fasten her own jacket, Layla then moves Mary's buggy down the steps of the verandah*

.. That WOMAN!!.. How DARE she!!

*John lets Layla continue, knowing to interrupt would only move her temper from Hyacinth to himself. He's only had that once and has no intention of doing it again!*

.. Comes into OUR home.. SARAH's home too.. and she......

*the tirade continues for a while longer, the twins look to their father, wondering what is going on*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3357

Big Steve

*John walks along pushing the pram, getting his ear bent and wondering how to counter or quieten his wife down when he agrees with her.*

Hyacinth mustn't of known or didn't think or maybe shes just to stuck up to see the change in attitude. I don't know.

*John knows this won't of helped and he gives the twins a quick rub in their pram.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3358

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Still Layla fumes*

... And I want her gone before Sarah and Snake arrive home! ..

.. I'm not haveing THAT woman taking gossip back into town..

.. I don't care if she is married to our Boss!....

*Mary gives her father what could be almost a sympathetic look*

*Richard falls asleep*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3359

Big Steve

*John sighs and visibly sags.*

Yes,dear.We'll get it sorted.

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3360

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Hearing something in John's voice, she has never heard before, Layla stops and looks at him*

.. I'm going on, aren't I?..

*Mary giggles and points to something in the sky*

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