A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3261

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*In the living room, Snake is playing on the floor with the twins*

*Mary is climbing all over him and Richard is showing him one of is new toys*

Snake: *groans, making Mary giggle* "Morning Layla! Have you come to rescue me from the hoards?"

.. *giggles* .. You don't look like you need rescuing, Snake Earp! You are loving every minute of it!..Besides I need coffee!..

Snake: "Has John come back?"

....hmmm.. He came back late last night and is now sleeping it off..

*Layla walks into the kitchen. Sarah is preparing breakfast for the twins and also a load of toast on a plate, so, after pouring herself a coffee, Layla sits at the table and sipping coffee and nibbling on toast*

.. You know.. *talking with some toast in her hand*.. You and Snake would make fantastic parents..

*Sarah looks at Layla, then blushes deeply*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3262

Big Steve

*John rolls out of bed and into the shower. The water is on and streaming down his back before he opens his eyes into the hot heavy stream of water.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3263

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Sarah and Snake take the twins for a walk in their buggies*

*Layla tidies up the kitchen, then goes into the office to check on any messages*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3264

Big Steve

*John steps out of the shower wrapping a towel around him and rubs himself dry. He hears gurgling downstairs and throws clothes on before heading towards the stairs.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3265

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla can hear John moving about and calls out to him*

.. You're safe, Old Man!!.. There's only you and me here..

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3266

Big Steve

*John grumbles down the stairs and into the kitchen for coffee.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3267

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla still calls from the office*

... There's tuna in the cooler, if you prefer..

*then she giggles*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3268

Big Steve

*John grabs toast while rubbing and knot in his back. He drains his coffee and stands up to fill his mug.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3269

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla goes into the kitchen and eyes the silent John*

.. Cat got your tongue, darling?.. And I wouldn't mind a coffee if there is one still in the pot..

*She sits at the table, wondering why he is so quiet this morning*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3270

Big Steve

*John blindly blunders over to the coffee pot and pours into two mugs.*

*John turns and looks through tired eyes* Wha?

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3271

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

.. I won't ask what you had been upto then....

*Layla watches her husband. She can't be sure if he is just tired from his runabout, of if there is something wrong with him*

after all, how many times can he transform and not be affected in some way? </>

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3272

Big Steve

*The coffee starts to take affect and Layla radiating concern jurks him from his tired state.*

It wasn't anything very interesting anyway.

*he hands Layla her mug and sits down*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3273

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla sips her coffee and then..*

...Can I ask why you feel the need to .. to.. *waves her hand towards the barn*.. just go off like that?..

We've been so close for months and then you just *shrugs* went off!....

*she looks into her coffee mug*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3274

Big Steve

*John shrugs his shoulders*

You know Hyacinth rubs me up the wrong way...

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3275

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla speaks quietly*

.. You missed the children playing... It was a lovely day..

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3276

Big Steve

..And you don't think I could see that from where I was?

*John drinks his coffee and eats cold toast.*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3277

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I missed your company </>

*Seeing John isn't in a chatty mood, Layla leaves the table, walks into the living room and looks out of the huge picture window overlooking the front driveway, gardens and further away part of the pastureland*

*She sighs deeply to herself*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3278

Big Steve

*John almost snorts the last of his coffee and follows Layla out onto the porch*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3279

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Layla sits on the porch steps*

The Further Adventures of John and Layla

Post 3280

Big Steve

*John sits next to her and puts his arm around her.*

Don't know whats with me today. I'm sorry.

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