A Conversation for h2g2 New Users


Post 1

Slow walker

Hello my fellow sentient beings. What a wonderful initiative this is - I'm proud to be part of it. It might even take my mind off socks.


Post 2


hello world


Post 3

Researcher 26088 aka rat, morloc, benedict.



Post 4

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Greetings! Grussen! Hi and Howdy! This certainly is an exciting venture. Now it remains for us to contribute somethimg worthy of the venue. smiley - smiley

Please no!

Post 5

Cool Child of heaven

please don't take your socks off, although this is a good site, I was thinking of the idea right before I turned on Tomorrow's world, How many entries are there already


Post 6


It's a beautiful day!
look at it! anyway the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is really cool!


Post 7


Get them off yer mind and onto yer feet where they belong!!


Post 8


It is a beautiful day.
All days are beautiful.
This doesn't mean that we shouldn't draw attention to the fact.
On the contrary, we should say to ourselves every morning / afternoon / night or whenever we regain consciousness, "It's a beautiful day today."
Thank you for listening.

Beautiful days

Post 9

Zach Garland

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy has this to say about beautiful days:

Depending on what planet you happen to be on at the time, a beautiful day can either be a common thing, a rare pleasure, or an impossibility.

On the planet Gruigphon in the Armedia system, days are actually thirty-seven terran hours long, so few Gruigs have problems getting everything they need to do done in the morning, and then most spend their afternoons basking in the warmth of both their suns while relaxing about the Gruigphonian coastline. In fact, many spend so long at the beach they forget to go back the next day and return to work. Hence very little actually gets done but they keep telling themselves there's so much time in the day they can do it all later. The Gruigphonian nights are almost twenty terran hours long, so you can stay up all night and still have time for sleep. Most days there are beautiful days.

However, the Tragrolian system has a planet called Magwitch in which they only get a day once every five years. Because of how the planet rotates about its star, most of the time the star just sort of barely hits the horizon, at least on the only part of the planet that can support life. The majority of the planet is actually either desert or volcanoes, but on the northern and southern tips it's actually relatively pleasant. The one day in a long while that they get is experienced and appreciated in a similar fashion to how total eclipses are experienced on other planets. Many Magwitchians spend the day staring at the star in amazement using thick glasses. Some forget their glasses and there are a number of blind Magwitchians precisely for this reason.

There is a small bluegreen planet in the Sol system on the western spiral arm of the galaxy known as Earth which has a strange phenomenon. There is a little bit of variety through the course of that planet's year which would be a joy to others on other planets, since they usually have the same kind of day all the time. Earth actually has four distinct 'seasons' which some other planets never get to experience. However, the inhabitants of Earth are always complaining that one season is too hot or the other is too cold or the weather patterns are too unpredictable. In the case of Earth, whether or not a day is beautiful seems to depend on the Terran you're talking to. They like to talk about the day a lot though, especially about the weather. If you happen to get into a conversation with a terran regarding whether or not the day is beautiful, be sure to bring some stimulants with you, because otherwise the terran will most likely put you to sleep.


Post 10

Jo (Dead)

hello Bru

Beautiful days

Post 11


ok then, very strange!!!I can't wait for the new star wars movie to come out, I saw the trailer and it looks brill!!

The problem with Star Wars

Post 12

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

The problem with Star Wars, and Star Trek, is that they take themselves too seriously, and that they don't explain how the engine works. At least in the Hitch-Hikers' Guide to the Galaxy you get to know, even if you don't believe it.

Luv Zaphara

The problem with Star Wars

Post 13

Zach Garland

Speak for yourself, Zaphara. Personally, I find the infinite improbability drive almost vaguely plausible. (-;

Beautiful days

Post 14

Researcher 39462

How do I get to Gruigphon?

How to get to Gruigphon

Post 15

Zach Garland

Third star on the right and straight on until morning.


Post 16


isn't it weird that in star trek and star wars and all these sci fi spacey shows, they always travel across, ie left to right, or right to left, why don't they go up or down? there must be something below them


Post 17

Doug Dastardly

So when do we start smiley - winkeye.


Post 18

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Yeah. On the other hand, it makes my brain hurt thinking about travelling in three-dimensional space.

The problem with Star Wars

Post 19

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

What do you mean?

Beautiful days

Post 20


Are you daring to say that you *don't* enjoy discussing the condition of the day and find that Terran day "goodness" is less than objective? You must not be from around here. Do you know where your towel is?

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