A Conversation for h2g2 New Users


Post 41

Zach Garland

waitaminute! I resemble that remark!


Post 42


Or as my friend hansel says after the following tone this is the Wez 9:30 pm saturday my house there and amping going berzerk bananas madness wacky zany ludicrous loopy lost all my marbles and yes no day homework no turn the TV off get the little doggy and put in the frying pan ohh pepperoni pizza. ... yum... we can get some girls around and they can do some rude things hhhheehhe.... later


Post 43


well,shave it then, or use some fast-gro on it, cos i have to say that the bumfluff-on-the-lip is not a cool or attractive style these days!!


Post 44

Zach Garland

Well I must admit I have a bit more than just fluff for a moustache. Besides, I have a ladyfriend who has made it very clear I am not allowed to shave off my beard or moustache. Women! They're so demanding! smiley - bigeyes


Post 45


WOW! i have the same problem, first they say shave it then they say i like it but it tickles so shave it. Then they finally say What the Hell did you shave it off for??? i liked it. I will never ever win will i?


Post 46

Ginger The Feisty

As a member of the female species may I say the answer to that question is "No"! smiley - bigeyes


Post 47


monsheri won't let me get near my face with a razor. she says she's seen the pictures!


Post 48

Zach Garland

I lose ten years when I shave off the facial hair. I have a babyface. As long as I keep my beard and moustache I don't get carded for cigs or booze.

It also perpetuates the illusion that I actually have a chin...


Post 49

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

You're from somewhere scorching, aren't you Zach? Facial hair is a self-perpetuating anti-radiation visor for you. It will absorb all the world's evils like Dorian Grey's portrait; so you can emerge smooth and youthful when your mates look like raisins.

Beards here take on an alltogether more grizzly aspect in winter. One's breath, and other substances, freezes into them to create a hideous mask, terrifying to young and old.


Post 50

Ginger The Feisty

I have to say I am not a fan of facial hair but perhaps I would be more understanding if I lived in a climate where it was a necessity to prevent half of your face falling off with frost bite!


Post 51


What are ya trying to say about us Canadians, eh? DOWN RALPHY, DOWN. Sorry just my pet polar bear scratching at the wall of the igloo.
smiley - winkeye


Post 52

Zach Garland

Yes I'm from a scorcher of a place. Dallas Texas, where we shoot at presidents and we shoot at people who shoot at presidents. I'm sure the heat has nothing to do with the fact that our brains are baked down here.

Just the other day I ordered red wine mixed with Lipton's Iced Tea. Very bad. I don't recommend the combination.


Post 53


Now if you'd use Jim Beam instead of wine, with a HEALTHY twist of lemon, as I remember it's pretty good. 'Course now, that half case of Natural and a couple of shooters might have affected my tastebuds a bit.(Oh yeah, NO SUGAR. That's a death wish!)


Post 54

Doctor Anarchy

Upon entering this forum, I anguished over what to write. Should I write the simple "hello," as so many people had written before? Perhaps this crowd is more sophisticated, and would require a "greetings," or "ladies and gentlemen." Then again, maybe the crowd would require something hip, like "hey," "what up", or "yo." What exactly, could I say to get the acceptance and positive response that I desire?

Then it came to me: hot, rough sex.

Hot, rough sex everyone!


Post 55

Ginger The Feisty

Huh! Normally we get Hot, Rough Sex ANYONE! smiley - bigeyes


Post 56

Zach Garland

It just occurred to me that technically, I may not fall under the definition of "New User" any longer. I mean I only started a few weeks to a month or so ago, but my main user page is pretty detailed now. Does that mean I have to stop posting in this forum?

Darn. Just when the hot rough sex was about to begin. I miss all the fun parts. smiley - sadface


Post 57

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Not at all! Some enlightened soul has to return for the sake of the neophytes.
Think of yourself as an h2g2 Lama. (There's no vow of celebacy involved).


Post 58


See I dropped in on this thread at about the right time then. HRS to you all too.


Post 59

Zach Garland

Come in like a llama go out like a lion.


Post 60



Come in like a small, snotty, humpless camel and leave with a wilderbeast haunch in your jaws???
How cryptic.

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