Traveller- That's Me!

Hi, not sure what this will do, but here's a brief resume of me, for the first 40 years of my life! Born, raised rural Cheshire. Student in Birmingham in those heady days of the late 70's! Full time career in London helping penniless students work and travel around the world. Mid-life crisis - start to learn British Sign Language, throw in towel at well paid, secure job and come to Bristol to study for one year. About to re-launch self at real world, ack! 5' 7", spinster of this parish, loves reading, second-hand book shops, buying books, and more reading, also theatre, cinema, writing letters, and travel, travel, travel, oh yeah did I mention any Australian wine, and Steve's Ice Cream. Desires large house in country, or small house with big garden so I can finally adopt five dogs. Traveller is my sign name, it was given to me by a unique person. If any of this prompts any questions or interest, well here I am, go for it, as they say! Hope this doesn't sound too much like a lonely hearts column, it's not meant to, honest! PS I am old enough to be one of the crowd of people who listened to the original HitchHikers Guide whilst tucked up in bed, I think on a Saturday night (correct me if I'm wrong) - see, had no social life even then!! I'm going to thrown in a few key words here, because that's how it seems to work. Anyone interested in any of these please get in touch. Bristol, Second Hand Book Shops, Wine, Travel, America, Australia, Sign Language, Deaf, Reading, hope some of these are in your searches!

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Addiction May 14, 1999


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Researcher U35216


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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