This is the Message Centre for Traveller


Post 1

Researcher 26444 Fenchurch

Hello, traveller, I came across one of your postings where you described your transformation from technophobe to h2g2 addict, me too, the exploration never ends. Your keywords semm to work as I did a search on Bristol to bring me back here, I haven't got my bits'n'bobs linked like that. You don't know your proxy servers from your...blah blah... what about socks, beans and dongles then.. I never know when people are being serious when it comes to computer jargon! All the best,


Post 2


Hello Fenchurch, do you live above the station? Socks? Oh my God do you mean that means something in computer-nerd-ese? Oops I thought it was word play on sex! See technophobe thru and thru. This stuff is scary tho'. You probably just have to roll out of bed and switch on your computer, I'm so addicted that I get dressed and walk around to the univeresity computer room, where at this time of night/day I can take my pick of machines. I live perilously close, and I could find myself taking root! Tis nice to find so many other loonies out there with similar sense of humour, or are we just odd? Anyway, you seem to be a night owl, and I'm an early bird, so I'll look forward to seeing your postings tomorrow morning!

Further Addiction

Post 3

Researcher 26444 Fenchurch

G'day, do they have 24 hour free access at uni then? Lucky you. Yesterday I was driven to Aston Down near Stroud for my first gliding experience. I asked people to keep their fingers crossed and it seemed to work, all the way there there were intermittent showers, any time I spotted a blue patch of sky I concentrated on it trying to expand it!
Parachute on, strapped in, a quick run throught the controls and then my nerves choose to make themselves known...
The cable was accepted and from that point, the launch is out of the pilot's control...I'll continue in a journal entry on my home page if you're interested...all the best

Flight of Fancy

Post 4

Researcher 26444 Fenchurch

On the subject of "socks" or even sex, my life won't be complete until I've achieved this feat airborne (with or without aircraft) nearly got their once but there are no condom machines in the loos on 747's! There's an idea for Virgin bosses, perhaps the turbulence levels would suddenly increase to an all time high...

Further Addiction

Post 5


Hi Fenchurh, I take it nobody else has this "addiction" problem, as we seem to be the only ones discussing it. But then nobody has replied to any of my other postings either; perhaps I'm just boring. Yep, 24 hour access to a room full of glowing terminals! Despite it being 20 years since my last attempt at academia the student population does not seem to have changed. They complain at not being able to get access to a machine because the room is full, however they are never in there between 10pm and 8.30am! 6am on a beautiful, clear blue sky day in Bristol, what else would you want to do but trot down to the computer room and play h2g2?!! Be different, that's my motto. Don't do things when every one else does, do it when they don't; 8am in Tesco, or shopping malls you get the place to yerself!! Traffic, don't know the meaning of the word!! Theatre matinees, cinemas in the afternoon! Get my drift!

Flight of Fancy

Post 6


hmmmm, sex in the toilet of a 747, "all toilets are fitted with Federal Admin smoke alarms" so no smoking afterward, or during mayhap??!! Not the most pleasant thought, would be scared of pushing the wrong button and being irretrievable sucked? into the pan! Condom machines in aircraft toilets? hmmm, nope I'd just be tempted to nick 'em all, same as all the toothbrushes, toothpaste, tissues, etc you "sometimes" find in there. tip from a traveller, get in the aircraft toilet just after take off, you can supply yourself with everything you need for the rest of your trip! And don't get me started on clearing out the freebies from hotel rooms, or how much of a continental breakfast you can "lift" in order to make your lunch!!

Further Addiction

Post 7

Researcher 36494

Hi again, just after lunch and I've not done my journal entry on gliding, Pcs to fix, people to confuse... I'll get there soon!

Further Addiction

Post 8

Researcher 36494

PS that's Fenchurch at work!

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