A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 61


meanwhile shagbark had slipped out before the Papparazzi got there and was already on the ship.

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 62

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Lanzababy takes a stroll round the garden of the hotel. Still no sign of the smiley - pirateCaptain or Alec

Takes out long range telescope from smiley - handbag looks at the space where The Blood is anchored.

sends text message to Sven

wonders if she ought to go on a Loch Ness Monster hunt all by herself?

sends new messages to Paul and FPR and Babette

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 63

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

It looks as if its just you and me then Sven.

Please put this wetsuit on and jump in the loch. Do not come back to shore without photographic evidence of the monster. I'll just sit here on this nice grassy bank with my picnic and wait for you. Byee!!

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 64


If you are looking for the captain try

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 65

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

No, he seems to know where he is. I have to wait here for smiley - nurseSven. I'm having a lovely picnic. Would you like some poached salmon and smiley - bubbly?

I've lit some citronella tealights to keep the midges away.

smiley - antsmiley - antsmiley - antsmiley - ant

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 66

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Ok Sven - here's the morning plan

We'll row around the loch a little (no *you* row I'm an Officer remember!)

If we see bubbles or humps, you dive in and say hello to Nessie. She is supposed to be expecting us.

btw you look charming in that wetsuit, it shows your musculature off splendidly dear smiley - bigeyes

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 67

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*meanwhile nessie has paid a visit to her secret hold in the lower and secret parts of 'the blood' for an annual checkup. a team of highly specialized vet-smiley - doctors and vet-smiley - nurses assure both her and the captain that nessie is fit as a fiddle and the pregnancy is going by the smiley - book. nessie and the captain smiley - hug and she leaves to swim back to her lair*

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 68

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

smiley - huh

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 69


Since when do they have specialized vets on the ship?
Looks like the captain is keeping secrets.

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 70

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

No worries Shagbark! I've ordered some special single malt and it will only get dispensed on doctor's orders smiley - evilgrin

If you seen Sven swimming about, can you tell him to come back now? I think I fancy a bit of fly fishing and maybe some deer stalking. As you know I'm a terrible shot, or we could go and poach some grouse (its not the glorious 12th yet - so they are out of season still)

Oh and I have to say that you do look incredibly sexy in that kilt Shagbark! smiley - blush

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 71


thank you, it is just something I picked up in Inverness.
Since Nessie was on her way back to the lair maybe she passed Sven on route.

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 72


Shagbark ties the rowboat to the back of the motor launch.
Anyway we can do the fishing back closer to the ship.
Hop in , I'll take you back.

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 73


we can come back for sven later. Did you know I am following an old Scotch tradition. On warm days (such as this one) they wear nothing under their kilt. smiley - evilgrin

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 74

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I see ( or rather I imagine!) smiley - yikes

Do you think Sven will be okay by himself? He is rather a big girl's blouse you know.

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 75

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*captain saunters into the bar at the hotel like he's only been away for a few minutes. orders a bottle of the bar's finest malt and relaxes in a corner while enjoying the view of the loch*

smiley - pirate

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 76

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

*joins him*

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

alec.smiley - clown

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 77

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

good to see you, alec

here's to good old nessie, long may she be somebody else's problem smiley - cheers

it's nice to relax a bit for a change. i've had so much to look after lately

[aside: this includes real life]

smiley - pirate

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 78

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

er... me too Capting

the last three years have been just about the worst.

All sorts of 'Life' stuff to deal with.

*looks out over the peaceful loch...

...pours more single malt*

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

in a rowing boat on the loch

Post 79

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

oh well, i guess i should not complain, really

[aside: daughter broke her ankle, missed a festival and nearly missed a road trip with her friends to italy. but they assured her that they will take care of her, so she may even be able to go shopping for shoes in milan in a wheelchair smiley - biggrin. things could be a lot worse, but all things take time smiley - zen]

and now i'll have to call it a day - seeing as there is another one looming right behind the horizon

g'night smiley - cheers

smiley - pirate

red herring.

Post 80


a message comes over the intercom and is recorded.
this is shagbark- If you need me I will be in the hold painting some herring red.

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