A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 141

Researcher 179388

smiley - yuk

I think would really rather have smiley - bubbly.

*gives Light a concerned look*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 142

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - biggrin


* wanders off towards the pizza oven *

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 143

Researcher 179388

*Light definitely seems distracted*

Is there something on your mind, anything you need help with?

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 144

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

are you ok Light?

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 145

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

::Wanders back in and hops into, quite litterally mind you, the drink with all his clothes on::
smiley - biggrin

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 146

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

smiley - laugh

you're brilliant! smiley - biggrin

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 147

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

Of course I am! smiley - tongueout

We all can't be as sexy as you! smiley - devilsmiley - biggrin

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 148

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

heeeeheeeeeeeeeeeee!smiley - biggrin

have a smiley - bubbly! smiley - cool

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 149

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

smiley - bubbly!

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 150

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

*sits back and drinks smiley - bubbly*

*gazes at Joe*

i'm sorry, you'll have to excuse my slight weirdness but it's almost 1am!

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 151

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

smiley - ok Nothing wrong with smiley - weirdness!
smiley - smooch!!!

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 152

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)


it's nice to know someone cares at this time of morning smiley - biggrin

i'm always smiley - weird but i'm more smiley - weird at this time of the morning smiley - cool

man, i'm going to feel bad when it's getting up time!

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 153

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

It took me forever to find you! I've been dragging this new piano all over the ship, and it's a grand!

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 154

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

*flips a few orange slices at Average Joe*

How lovely! Soaking in mulled wine while listening to the piano...smiley - zen Life in h2g2 is wonderful isnt it...

*drops a few more Alka Seltzer fizzy tablets into the water*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 155

Researcher 179388

*watches with interest as the foam starts rise over the top of the tub*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 156

Peter aka Krans

*Looks at foam through rising red mist*

Urgh... English Language paper...

*Collapses into jacuzzi*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 157

Floh Fortuneswell

*enters, makes smiley - coffee*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 158


*Looks around*
Oooh! A grand piano!
*Plonk, plonk, plink*
...and in tune! Right! Listener's choice ...you have a choice between Bach or Clapton (arr. for piano) ...and 10 seconds in which to decide ... or get me a smiley - alesmiley - winkeye

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 159


*gets kes an smiley - ale and requests clapton please*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 160

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*plays Brahms and everyone falls asleep*

smiley - zzz

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