A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 181

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*Meanwhile, he name checks Kiss, sends bottles of whiskey, and ruminates on the indestructibility of pots and pans*

Guess who I am, and I'm not a nowhere man, nor Mr. Tambourine man.

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 182


*climbs happily over the blog and looks around to be sure if it's safe in the bar (things happen, you know), is not sure about it*
Err, umm, ... hello!?

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 183


Hi Hati! The piano's a bit wet, but otherwise all is well ...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 184


Well. OK then I'll take smiley - ale.

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 185


*Pours two smiley - alesmiley - ale*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 186

Peter aka Krans

*Notices people looking at his shorts*

Good, aren't they?

*Presses another hidden button, and they start rotating through different colours in a smiley - silly way*

Only problem is if they short-circuit... ahem...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 187

Researcher 179388

*wonders if it is safe to enter bar due to Krans' rotating shorts*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 188

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* opens the smiley - bubbly cooler to encourage Caerwynn in *

Hi there!

* refills everyones glasses *

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 189

Researcher 179388

*still holding hands over her eyes*

Have his shorts stopped rotating yet?

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 190

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

Mr. C, you're the Walrus. Goo goo ga-choo.

::grabs batty and drags her off to a dark corner of the jacuzzi for a bit of naughty-ness::

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 191

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

And here I've been so nice to you Average! You never drag me off anymore. You stopped sending flowers, I don't get anymore diamonds...
are you trying to tell me something?

*sniffs her armpit checking for unladylike odors...nope! Breathes into her hand a couple of times to check for bad breath...nope! Shrugs her shoulders in complete confusion...*

smiley - wahsmiley - blue
trudges over to the bar, drinks down three smiley - ales, two smiley - bubblys and 14 shots of peach schnopps...falls off of bar stool (in a very ladylike smiley - pirateess fashion, of course!)

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 192

Researcher 179388

*helps Michelle back up on to her stool*

Here, if you are going to smiley - bubbly then make sure its Pol Roger. That way you won't fall off your stool, its way too classy for that. smiley - winkeye

*passes her a glass of smiley - bubbly from Caer's chiller*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 193

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Ooo...thank you! Hiccup! Drinks down three glasses of Pol Roger smiley - bubbly... hiccup! Slumps forward onto bar smiley - zzz

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 194


*drinks her smiley - ale*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 195

Researcher 179388

*looks at empty bottle*

Think I had better open another one.

*throws the end of her feather boa around her neck and manages to get the end of it in Hati's smiley - ale*

Ooops orry Hati!

*sucks smiley - ale off the boa*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 196


smiley - cross
Does the boa taste better this way? I'd suggest to use smiley - bubbly for that, it's more ~boa~, you see. smiley - winkeye

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 197

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - zzz !snort.. ...what?! I'll have shmore of that smiley - bubbly boa stufffff...pleazzzz... smiley - zzz

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 198


I would have thought that supping ale from a boa would constrict 'er drinking habits ..... smiley - silly. Just an smiley - ale for me ...and hold the feather duster!

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 199

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - laugh

That's a good one, Kes.

Be patient, ladies. I'm sure Joe will
get to you, he can only do one smiley - pirateess
at a time.

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 200

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* Passes Kes his smiley - ale and the pours one for Paul too *

* helps Michele over to the sofas and puts the smiley - bubbly bottle on the table *

* askes the toaster for toast *

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